Logos Hope looking for crew

Logos Hope.

OM’s ministry ship Logos Hope is looking for volunteer crew to fill various positions this year and early next year.

In September at least 110 people are needed to join the ship which travels around the world to share knowledge, help and hope, says Deborah Ngobeni, the communications team leader for OM South Africa.

Some of the positions that must be filled are:

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Chief cook 1
Assistant cook 1
Teacher 1
Nurse 1 would be helpful, but not urgent
Plumber 1
Carpenter 2
Electrician 1
Welder 1
AV technician 2
IT members 2
Multimedia producer 1

International crew members on Logos Hope.

“Logos Hope travels through multiple ports in a year. For the duration of this year, the ship will be travelling through ports in South America If you’d like to join the crew, visit the OM website and fill in the online application form. The Logos Hope crew have the option to participate in one of two programmes, a short term programme, for a duration of three to four months or a long term programme, for a duration of one to two or more years,” says Ngobeni.

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“The most common misunderstanding is that joining the crew costs an exorbitant amount of money. It costs roughly R4 500 per month. If you’d like to join the crew, prayerfully do so,” she says.

She said more information about the ships cruise schedule can be viewed online.

She said the ship also has the following crew vacancies for January 2020:

Cook 1
Teacher 2
Nurse 1
Accommodation maintenance engineer 1
Welder 1
Electricians 2
AV technician 1
IT 1
Communications manager 1
Journalist 1
Media producer 1
Photographer 1
Graphic designer 1

If you are interested in volunteering, read through this page on the OM Ships website and fill in the pre-application form.

One Comment

  1. Would like the electrician or plumbing job


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