Love Revolution winning souls for Christ

Nolukhanyo Lolly Mkala, Kolosa Unati Soyizwapi, Gnr Fueg Yovski, Mabutho Mahlaba Sibongeleni, Sonti and Mihlali Milz Kosi rocking their revolutionT-shirts.

A new movement has taken off on campuses all over South Africa —  it is a movement of love and a movement of young people winning souls for Christ.

It was initiated in August at Campus Harvest Southern Africa 2012 which is one of the country’s biggest youth conferences, held in four cities (Cape Town, Durban, Johannesburg and Port Elizabeth) over  two weeks. This youth conference for Every Nation campus ministries has a different theme each year: this year it’s ‘Love Revolution’. Campus Harvest is for both Christians and non Christians, bringing youth closer to God.

Changing cities
Love Revolution is about loving your country, cities and campuses by identifying the needs of people in your environment and taking action on those needs. The young women and men who have taken part in this new revolution have been changing their cities one step at a time. They have been picking up paper and cleaning-up around their cities. They also pray for every area of people’s lives. There are mini-missions carried out every Friday that sees them evangelize all over their respective campuses,  spreading the message of Jesus Christ and telling people about Love Revolution. They visit State hospitals about every two weeks to pray for people, believing for healing and also preaching the Gospel.

PE Love Revolution group cleaning up around the city.

With Love Revolution came a challenge called the ‘Win Ten Challenge’. People from all over the country were invited to take part in the challenge to win 10 souls for Christ. Those who choose to accept  the challenge are expected to walk with the people they win for Christ, discipling them in their journey with Christ.

Sandiswe, one of the leaders for this movement in Port Elizabeth Fathers House Livewire campus ministry says: “We meet so many people throughout the year and if we can trust God and pray for 10 people, then so many people would come to know the Lord and their lives can be transformed”.

Domino effect
The vision is to imagine how many people can get to the Lord  if you can win 10 people and they win their own 10 and their 10 win 10. It is a domino effect of the Gospel of Christ and a soul harvest like no other. Everyone who accepts the challenge gets a starter pack.

These young women and men have taken Love Revolution and made it into a lifestyle. I spoke to some of them to find out what Love Revolution has meant in their lives and how they have changed and grown from Campus Harvest 2012.

I spoke to Kwakanya, who told what love Revolution is to her: “It is spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ, loving because God is love. I don’t need to be qualified to evangelize  — God qualifies us”. Kwankanya told me that she has always loved, but the movement has taught her to love more. She has started with the 10 challenge.

Mukhethwa said she is still on a journey and does not feel ready to start evangelizing. She said that God is still moulding her. She has seen God’s love in her life  and how it has helped her love. She told me that it was not that easy for her to love everyone,  but because of the love God has shown her and Love Revolution she has learnt to love more easily.

“God had to show me His love and I had to understand that love, before I could love someone else”.

Click to join movement

Love Revolution is not just for 2012 it is for a lifestyle and Win 10 Challenge is for the expansion of Gods’ kingdom. The youth are becoming core actors of God’s kingdom. He is raising up new leaders.


  1. Excellent work which GOD Loves to see us doing.Iam so happy for you.Stay bless.

  2. The song writer clearly sing it very nicely – Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus, Look Full In His Wonderful Face

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