Lyndie McCauley — Sing A New Song: Book Review

Pastor Lyidie
Pastor Lyndie McCauley with her new book.

Book Review by Neziswa Kanju

“On my return to South Africa from living in the USA for 10 years, God led me to re-edit this book. So it is with Joy that I bring you the NEW Sing a New Song. I believe that it will help you tremendously to overcome great difficulty and lift you to greater heights.

“It will also stir your heart and desires to become all that God has called you to be, more effective and productive in all that you do, as you serve the King of Kings.”

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— These are the words that greet you as you read the cover of Pastor Lyndie’s new book called Sing A New Song.

A mother figure who has been part of the spiritual moral fabric in South Africa for many years Pastor Lyndie McCauley recently launched the book in Johannesburg to a small group of people.

She said she didn’t want a big crowd but wanted, more than anything, prayers for the book, that it will reach the people that it needs to reach.

This is her heart: to minister to hurting hearts and to help heal the wounds of the past, she says.

“As the walls of apartheid came tumbling down in our nation, so did the walls of insecurity come down in my life. In Sing A New Song I share from the depths of my heart about the importance of being who God wants you to be without reservation, she says.

Each message in the book is one of my life’s experiences and there is nothing new under the sun, even though we have a different journey. God still speaks to us in a similar manner.”

On the writing of her book she says: “I wrote Sing A New Song before I left Rhema. Every chapter in the book I literally had to live them out, so I wrote from a point of faith when I wrote it. When I was at Rhema I didn’t know that every single chapter I would be tested to walk out. Sing A New Song is a story of my life. “

The book is about the fear of men, intimidation, insecurity and how to grow through it and get to a place where you love who you are.

With chapters such as Look into the Mirror, A Challenge to Change, Change is a Choice, You hold the Keys, Obedience, Nullify the Negatives. Prosper in the Positives, Leave the Past Behind, Joyfully Standing through Test and Trials, Passion, Destiny, and It’s Harvest Time,  this is a book for everybody.

Anyone will find pearls of wisdom from reading through the relatable stories that Pastor Lyndie shares with the reader. The only mirror that reflects who we are is God’s word. It is solid and it is true and it will reflect Christ.

If you want to look like anyone we want to look like Him. He is the sum total of who we are for eternity. Every other mirror that we look into is a worldly mirror.

Sing A New Song is about overcoming fears and stepping into who God has called you to be without apology and without intimidation, and growing into the fullness of what God has called you to be

It ministers to the soul because the writer lived through every word. It is one thing when someone writes from knowledge, and another when they write from experience.

It is and easy read and the kind of book that one cannot put down. It is similar to having a coaching session and a counselling session all in one.

If you have ever faced intimidation; if you have ever doubted yourself and doubted God’s love for you and God’s calling for your life. If you have even looked down on yourself and accepted the lie that you are not meant to achieve great exploits that it is other people who are called to be great in the world. If you have ever seen yourself as less than; if you been afraid to step out and do what you know you are called to do — then this book is for you.

It is penned by an author who has been through the most trying of times; who has had to start all over again. Who has had to take what God gave her; who gave God her mustard seed faith and chose to trust Him with her all and who now God is using all over the world ministering to God’s hurting people.

Pastor Lyndie can minister to hurting hearts because she lived through enormous pain and hurt. She can minister to people who feel rejected because she faced rejection.

Sing A new Song was a command from the Lord to Pastor Lyndie during her most trying times. Lyndie McCauley hopes that others will sing a new song as well as they read the rough in the pages of this book. Her wish is that people will have a refreshed hope.

I loved reading Sing A New Song especially the stories. Get your own copy from Red Revolution. Call them at +27 (011) 462 2377 or email Website:

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