Major SA Biblical literacy survey

The Bible study and life application habits of South African Christians will be probed in a major, national, online survey from tomorrow (August 15).

The South African Theological Seminary (SATS) says it is conducting the study because it is “deeply concerned about the state Biblical literacy in our country”.

The survey will investigate three issues:
• How and to what extent do South African Christians read or study the Bible?
• To what extent do they believe the content of the Bible?
• To what extent do they apply the Bible?

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SATS urges churches and Christians to promote the survey as widely as possible through announcements, bulletins, websites and social media. The survey will be available online at

“The more people that participate the better the quality of the survey. We are planning to publish the results early next year and all participants will receive the results,” says SATS Projects Director Jenny Mason.

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As an incentive for people to participate SATS is offering an iPad and two Nokia 800 smartphones as well as free SATS courses and books to 25 randomly selected people who complete the suvey within 30 days of going live, she says.

Further information about the survey can be obtained by emailing


  1. I have a feeling that the results of the SATS survey will surprise most people. There is an awakening taking place that is like the initial rumbles of a major earth quake! Watch this space!

  2. Most Christians I know seem to struggle to find time to read their bibles every day. I have been following the same bible reading guide for the past 30 years and find the older I become, the more I enjoy reading the Word! It is difficult for younger people who are still working to find the time, but it is something every Christian should attempt to discipline themselves to do if at all possible!

  3. If I don’t feed on God’s Word, than I feed on words of mere men, and usually this does not bring abundant life.

  4. These days it is so easy, with so many people having smart phones and tablets. I can recommend You Version. I can read it anywhere on my iPad.

  5. Margaret Martin

    Should be an interesting survey. Praying for many to take part.

  6. Terence Martin

    I wonder if any non-Christians will take part?

  7. where are the rsults of the survey

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