Never before has there been such a great need for pro-lifers to stand together regardless of their various affiliations, say the organisers of the National Alliance for Life (NAL) March for Life in Umhlanga Rocks, Durban, on Sunday October 1.
NAL Conference 2017
Since February 1997 more than 1.2-million babies have been killed in South Africa — by abortion — legally, say the NAL, an umbrella body for pro-life organisations in the country, which is also hosting a pro-life conference at Gateway Church, Mount Edgecombe, Durban on Saturday, September 30.
Presently approximately 80 000 legal abortions are performed annually. If the illegal abortions are added the statistics are overwhelming. The Department of Health in 2012 estimated that illegal abortions were 6.3 times more than legal abortions. This means that 503 000 illegal abortions need to be added to the yearly figures, which brings the annual abortions in South Africa to the devastating total of 583 000, say the NAL in a press release.
“This situation cannot be allowed to continue. There is a desperate need for all South Africans to do something!” says the press release.
The March for Life at 2.30pm (in order not to interfere with church services) starting opposite the fire station at Gateway, on the corner of Equinox Road and Zenith Drive, is an opportunity to take action and aims to:
1. inform most Christians in South Africa when life begins and what abortion really is
2. inspire millions of Christians to take a public stand against abortion
3. encourage mothers in crisis pregnancies not to abort their babies
4. persuade medical personnel in SA to exercise their united constitutional right of freedom of conscience
5. educate the voting public to vote on moral issues but especially on the abortion issue, as well as to make political parties aware of the importance voters attach to the abortion issue.
More information on the March for Life is available by calling the NAL office at 032 481 5550 / 5807 or Pastor Aaron at 083 976 1847.
The NAL Conference 2017 at Gateway Church will be from 8.30am to 1pm on Saturday September 30 and will feature speakers from various organisations and from the US talking on the topic of abortion. Tickets cost R200 per person and include refreshments and lunch.
For more information on the conference, call the NAL office at 032 481 5550 / 5807 or Erwin Schroeder at 082 331 0099.
It is a wonderful experience to celebrate life with other pro lifers.
This is a beautiful and powerful platform to show your support for your principles and to stop moral decay !!