Mass baptism in front of PE City Hall on Saturday

Word of Faith Christian Centre’s Pastor Jimmy Crompton in front of the Port Elizabeth City Hall.

About 50 believers will be baptised in front of the Port Elizabeth City Hall on Saturday morning during a service symbolising the burial of the old city and rising up of the new.

“To my knowledge this is the first time in the history of South Africa that such a service is being held in front
of a City Hall anywhere in the country,” said  Pastor Jimmy Crompton of Word of Faith Christian Centre (WOF), who is leading the inititiative involving about 30 city pastors, most of whom are affiliated to WOF.

“We’re coming to where the natural human rule of the country is seated. It speaks of the local government power. We are declaring the power of Jesus to destroy the past and raise up a new destiny over our city,” said Crompton.

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The service will take place between 10am and 11.15am on Saturday February 24, with the baptisms taking place in a porta pool which the municipality has authorised the pastors to erect in front of the city hall, together with  gazebos where the baptismal candidates will change their clothing before and after they are baptised.

In addition, the pastors have arranged to erect a mobile platform where they are trusting to have a brass band play gospel hymns for half an hour, followed by 15 minutes of communal worship and a short message by Pastor Crompton, says WOF in a press release.

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Pastor Crompton said the unique service will be a prophetic act symbolising a burial of the poverty, crime and corruption which has plagued the city.

“The old Port Elizabeth with its gang violence, poverty, racism, unemployment and strife will be dead and buried in the name of Jesus. As the candidates are lifted out of the water, it is a declaration of new life. We believe this act will be a proclamation that God is creating a new city of love, joy, peace and prosperity for everybody.”




    PRAISE GOD for what HE is doing in our city and our nation!

  2. All Glory goes to GOD Our Father for the realisation of such an event; should we not now pray for the LORD Himself to open doors for other cities in this country of ours to do likewise. Is it not NOW time for us, as a Nation and People, to give pre-eminence to GOD the FATHER; Creator of Heaven and Earth.

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