Men are coming back to God

[notice]A monthly column by farmer, preacher and writer  for Jesus, Angus Buchan[/notice]

Karoo Mighty Men 2015.

I have had the privilege of revisiting the different Mighty Men gatherings in South Africa namely Bushveld Mighty Men, Karoo Mighty Men and I still have a few more on my list for this year. I speak on the Sunday morning to the men, the wives and children and my heart is extremely excited about what God is doing. I have just returned from the United States of America where I spoke at Murfreesboro, Tennessee to a men’s group in an indoor ice hockey stadium and where we saw the power of God move again sovereignly, where men stood up to take their rightful place in the home as Prophet, Priest and King. I have just had news that Mighty Men have been registered in Brazil where I have also had the privilege of speaking on January 31, 2015. Just this last weekend I have been speaking at Vereeniging in an open air meeting in Gauteng on a rugby field and to see the amount of “men’s men” there touched my heart deeply. Men are seeking God like never before and that is so exciting because I really believe that the “worldwide revival” is going to come when men start stepping up to their responsibility in the home, in the work place, on the sports field, and in the learning centres of the world. The scripture that comes to mind is Ephesians 5:25 (NKJV) “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her.”

Mighty Men in the USA.

I am seeing men who are becoming softer towards their spouses and their children and yet taking more authority in the marketplace. That is a definite sign that God is working through their lives. Next month we are expecting a delegation of men to arrive from Yorkshire, North England to come and to discuss the second Mighty Men event to take place in the UK and so even as we see situations deteriorating throughout the world, especially in the area of immorality in the home, lack of respect and submission, we are also seeing God starting to call His soldiers to report for duty. Like never before we are going to have to stand up for what the Word of God says and not compromise. Irrespective of what governments are doing all over the world, where they are going directly against what God has said in His word and then are wondering why things are going pear-shaped for them in their respective governments.

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Men arising in Brasil.

In South Africa I see a healthy optimistic future for this country as men of all races and colours would come together, unite and stand on God’s Holy Word. “God says it, we believe it and that settles it!” Keep it simple and do not compromise for anyone.

May God bless you as you continue to stand for Him.

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Yours in Christ’s Service

Angus Buchan

Men returning to God in Vereeniging.



One Comment

  1. I want to get the word from Angus every morning

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