Mighty Families expected to bring healing to families, hope to nation

Families will enjoy a festival time in God’s presence — and send a message of hope to the nation — when they gather at Wilde Als farm outside Bloemfontein next weekend for the second Mighty Families Conference.

So says Dr Arno van Niekerk chairman of the Mighty Families organising committee ahead of the event from Friday October 4 to Sunday October 6 on the farm Wilde Als that was the venue for the historic It’s Time mass prayer event in May 2017.

Catering for both campers and day visitors, there will be food stalls, games for children, worship, messages by top speakers, prayer ministry and youth-oriented ministry.

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Van Niekerk said organisers trusted that through the weekend of fun, fellowship and ministry broken families and marriages will be restored and relationships between children and parents will be healed and communities impacted.

He said pastors in communities around Bloemfontein, like Heidedal and Botshabello, were on board and sponsored buses were lined up to bring people to the event.

People were registering online for the weekend and they were coming from all over SA because Bloemfontein’s central location makes it a good place for a weekend visit.

“The weekend will bring healing to the community and be an example to South Africa, especially where we are now, where we really need healing. One of themes is ‘healing the families, healing the nation’.

“So we believe that through families – and through a big focus on the restoration of biblical family values — we are going to see the nation being healed, starting from our homes and spreading throughout the nation.”

Van Niekerk said: “So Mighty Families is really not just something for Bloemfontein. The heartbeat is that it goes all around South Africa and that many pick up on it and start having Mighty Family events around the country.”

He said the event is free but there is a charge of R150 per family for those camping on the site to pay for facilities prepared for them.

Speakers include TV actor and Fatherhood Foundation founder Zane Meas on the Friday night, Pastor Bernard van der Vlies of Bloemfontein on Saturday morning, Apostle Mohau Rammile on Saturday afternoon, the Imagine Group on Saturday night and singer-evangelist Danie Botha at the Sunday morning service.

Heinz Winkler will lead worship, together with a worship team drawn from various local congregations. Clarice Pieterse of Clarice and Reënboog kidz will minister to children.

There will be a ministry tent next to the main stage and the organisers are trusting for many salvations, healing and miracles through the weekend, said Van Nierkerk.

More info about the event is available at the website http://mightyfamilies.co.za and you can register online at the following link: http://mightyfamilies.co.za/register.php

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