Mighty Men reflections and direction from Mooi River

[notice]Piperjames ‘War Piper’ 4 Jesus Christ and the Mighty Men of South Africa reports back on his recent experience at the MMC KZN.[/notice]
I recently reported on the hot, dry Mighty Men Crusade in Tosca, in the Kalahari. Some weeks before that I also had the privilege of attending the MMC KZN at a wet and much cooler Mooi River. Here by contrast the men and boys who attended were ‘baptized’ on arrival as they crossed the raging Mooi River to reach the venue.

So eventful was this crossing that even a car full of pilgrims had to be rescued as their vehicle’s front nearside wheel went over the edge of the submerged bridge.

However — and in true Mighty Men style — all the ‘older’ (said with the greatest of respect of course) soldiers for the Lord attended at the scene, looked at the problem, worked out the math and physics, weights and measurements of just how to get the vehicle safely back onto terra firma. Then they let the ‘laaities’  handle it from there onwards. The younger warriors put all their brawn and muscle into assisting the rescue Land Rover that finally tugged the stricken vehicle to safety. Indeed it was also the first time in the history of Mighty Men gatherings that a vehicle was baptized too!

The Hidden Valley farm, where we camped, is one of those places that you will never forget. It has a ‘chilled’ and very’ laid back’ feel and is home to Dave and Annie who are the most relaxed people I know. They are also a most accommodating pair, even giving over their house land-line to whoever needed it, as there is no mobile phone signal so deep in the valley.

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As many of you loyal Gateway News readers know from previous news reports, the second Mighty Men Crusade KZN was held over the weekend of  October 26 to 28. It was great to see Mighty Men of various different race groups there including a sizeable contingent of Indian men and boys from Durban and the surrounding areas.

The  main speakers all delivered powerful and meaningful messages. Brian Naidoo and Mondi Myeza added something very special, as speakers of colour are still few and far between at Mighty Men gatherings. Well done to Pieter La Grange and his team for inviting them and so promoting unity through the MMC KZN.

Other gatherings of Mighty Men can learn a lot from this event and I say this with the utmost respect and love, for we all fall short of the Glory of God. But we must also remember that we are all Christians and therefore are all equal in Christ Jesus.

There was drama at the event when a young boy fell into the raging river and was promptly rescued by his own father. A paramedic who put his cell phone down to assist returned minutes later,to the place where he had laid it, and found it had been stolen. A sad thing to happen at such a place but we must remember that there are people at these events that are not saved and thus do not understand or simply don’t care about what they do and the consequences thereof. The stolen phone was loaded with emergency contact details for the rescue helicopter, doctors and ambulances etc.

Many men and boys were however saved at Mooi River and although a few things happened that were ‘not the norm’ at such mustering’s, more soldiers for Jesus were recruited. The churches and the Mighty Men who were there must now support and follow-up these new warriors who stepped into the ranks at Mooi River.

To come to an end I urge all men and boys to get together and to plan ‘well ahead’ for Mighty Men events and to also broadcast the message that Mighty Men is still alive and kicking and changinglives.

Remember that Overberg in the Cape is on after Christmas, then the Karoo gathering in April, and then the new and revived MMC Western Cape in September. For further details on any of these please make contact with either Andre at Gateway News (andre@gatewaynews.co.za) or with me at mightymennetwork@live.co.za

We must continue to pray for the country and our leaders too. Continue to stand up and be counted as well so that others may look to you for support and guidance in these challenging times.

Remember the famous worlds of Uncle Angus: “The world stands aside for a man that knows where he is going’” Be that Mighty Man of God at all times and remember that it is up to us to set an example through our love and firm faith in Jesus Christ.

Last but not least a new and exciting movement is about to emerge. Initiated by a boy who attended the MMC KZN, it is entitled Mighty Laaites! It entails a positive drive to get all young men aged from 10 to 18 years to unite and start preparing themselves to join the ranks of the Mighty Men. For further information about this fantastic initiative please email annesw035@gmail.com , naude@cobro.co.za or betsie@depari.net.

Other than that well done Pieter for being a true man of God and for putting together yet another brilliant Mighty Men with a very permanent stage dedicated to the Lord and future Mighty Men Crusades, albeit that it was a wee bit soggy this time around – lol!

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For Gateway News this is the War Piper wishing you all a wonderful festive season ahead. May God bless you all and may He watch over always.

Quis Separabit!

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