Mighty woman to address MMC KZN

Jane Curle at a recent conference of His Church in Durban.
Jane Curle at a recent conference of His Church in Durban.

Mighty Men history will be made at the MMC KwaZulu-Natal in October when Pinetown pastor and worship leader Jane Curle takes the stage as one of the four main speakers for the weekend.

Explaining how he came to invite a woman to address a Mighty Men gathering for the first time, event host, Pieter le Grange said: “In my prayers I received the guidance for this and that the theme would be for her to talk about the effects of the immoral actions of men in society: rape, women abuse, children abuse, trafficking etc. Also to focus on what can we do as men to help with this evil that’s happening instead of just turning away from our society but to embrace the problem.”

Curle, who will speak at the Sunday morning closing of the weekend conference, said it was “really an honour” to be invited to adress the MMC KZN.

The them of MMC KZN 2013 is 'The Man in the Mirror'.
The theme of MMC KZN 2013 is ‘The Man in the Mirror’.

“The Mighty Men’s conference is the exact testimony needed to take our stand in a nation which has lost its strength because its little girls and woman have been broken, despised, rejected, abused , suppressed, bound by witchcraft, muzzled and raped of their purpose and their function as women,” she said.

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“Our strength has been diluted and that means our worship is diluted and that means our country is in trouble! God desires to take us from diluted to concentrated , from dominated to dominion and from delivered to deliverer! We were created to influence because that’s what true worship will release in your life.”

Encounter with Jesus
Curle who is a member of the ministry team at His Church, Pinetown, said she will be praying for men to have an encounter with Jesus at the MMC like the woman of Samaria who influenced her nation.

“Jesus smashed every obstacle over her life and delivered her to be a deliverer. She had to face the reality of her life as Jesus disclosed her heart , then she needed to respond.

“How incredible to live in a nation where Christian men have authority over their own spirit , mind and body so that they can take authority over darkness in their nation,” she said.

Le Grange, who is hosting the MMC KZN on his Mooi River farm for a third consecutive year, says the theme for this year’s event is ‘The Man in the Mirror’ which was inspired by the Book of John and reminds us that our lives need to reflect the life of Christ.

Last year Le Grange built a permanent stage on his farm as a faith statement of his long-term commitment to hosting the event. He said God met him by providing for the funding of the stage. From this year onwards he is trusting that God wants him to charge no entrance fees to the MMC, but to rely on freewill donations. Men planning to attend the MMC from October 4 to 6 can register online now.

Another innovation this year is the introduction of the ‘ Mighty Laatjies’ programme which Le Grange said “comes from the realisation that we have so many unfathered youth and that we need to play the father roles or set some standard for this. So fatherless children, divorced kids unchristian fathers etc. will come to the event as well and we will have a special session on Saturday morning with them”.

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The full line-up of speakers at MMC KZN 2013 is: Simon Hemsley (His People Church, Pinetown), Otto Clasen (Dutch Reformed Church, warmbad), Mondi Myeza (KwaDabeka and KwaCare), and Jane Curle.


  1. Well done. Good idea to got a female speaker at mmc. Looking forward to next year’s KMMC in Middelburg!! God bless

  2. Hugh G Wetmore

    I love the theme that ‘our lives need to reflect the life of Christ’ but which of the four “books” of John inspired this theme? John wrote a Gospel and three Letters. Is it 1 John 3:3?