Miracles manifest in Modjadjii

Total surrender...on day 2 of the recent Gospel crusade in Modjadji, Limpopo.
Total surrender…on day 2 of the recent Gospel crusade in Modjadji, Limpopo.

From August 11 to 17 In His Name Ministries held a Gospel Crusade in Modjadji, Limpopo, South Africa. For seven glorious days, heaven collided with earth, leaving the precious people of this region forever changed.

Night after night, Modjadji came out in force to encounter the Saviour of this world. Each evening, the altar was packed with men and women, desperate to receive the matchless gift of salvation. Souls poured into the Kingdom at a stunning rate, the pastors and In His Name team overwhelmed with joy.

In addition to this redemption floodtide, the deliverances were dramatic and healings numerous. Many of those who swept forward for prayer were mightily set free from demonic activity, the chains of darkness being snapped by the name that is above every other name – the name of Jesus! Towards the conclusion of each service, people queued to testify of what the Lord had done for them. Story after story was told of how years of torment dissolved in a single blessed moment. Old ladies and young men danced on stage, jubilantly set free of whatever ailed them.

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Unice (31) had suffered from terrible abdominal pains for the past three years. “I could not even bend, the pain was so bad,” she explained. “During prayer, I felt a burning inside my stomach and then – I was free!” Also having accepted Jesus, this precious lady was ecstatic. “Jesus has brought joy into my life,” she exclaimed.

Eyesight restored
Sarah (83) had not been able to see properly for the past 15 years. “I felt the power of God moving in my eyes,” she explained. “Now, my sight is perfect!” France, an elderly gentleman, had been shuffling with a cane for the past few years. “My legs were so painful. I was not able to walk,” he testified. “I experienced the fire of God moving through my body. I am healed, my life has changed. Jesus has restored me completely!”

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Elizabeth (62) was among those who received Jesus as Lord. Having struggled with terrible back and leg pains for the past twenty years, she could no longer walk without assistance. “I felt like something was being removed from my body. I am feeling so well. My life has completely changed, there is such peace in my heart.”

Gladys (35) likewise surrendered her heart to Jesus. “I have been suffering from a terrible pain in my left side for the past year,” she testified. “I started shaking – then, the pain disappeared! I thank God for what He has done for me. I will be His child forever!”

Maria (69) was also set free. “I struggled to walk for the past three years because of soreness in my legs and shoulders. Now, I can walk with ease!” Hallelujah!

Fire Conference
In addition to the evening crusade meetings, In His Name held a Fire Conference from Thursday to Saturday morning, the purpose thereof being to equip believers for evangelism. The tent in which it was held on the first day was packed so tightly with eager listeners, that it was moved to the local community hall the next day. Evangelists Tamryn Klintworth and Samuel Murrombe preached on the Holy Spirit and soul-winning, the atmosphere hot and heavy with expectation.

Men and women were overcome by the presence of God during the Saturday meetings.
Men and women were overcome by the presence of God during the Saturday Fire Conference meeting.

On Saturday, both in the final conference service and evening crusade meeting, the baptism of the Holy Spirit was prayed for. Men and women were utterly overcome by His presence and power, being dowsed from top to toe in a divine flame. Anointed for service, what wonders they will achieve for the Kingdom!

People flooded forward to share their baptism experience. “I prayed first in Sotho, then in Tshangani, then my words changed into something I did not understand – I started speaking in other tongues for the first time!” voiced a precious elderly lady. Rosinah (54) likewise testified. “I felt fire going through my body,” she exclaimed. “Suddenly, I started speaking in a heavenly language. Thank you God!”

The local pastors are ecstatic. They are eager to begin the hard work of following up every convert, allowing none to slip through the net. With a decision card having been completed for each one, they have all the information they need to pull these dear new believers into the local church. What a week, what a harvest – heaven is rejoicing!


  1. Pingback: GATEWAY NEWS FEAUTURE: Miracles Manifest in Modjadji - In His Name MinistriesIn His Name Ministries

  2. Limpopo province, the centre of support for Ju-Ju, is now supporting Jesus, the true revolutionary.

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