Miraculous recovery of wife of international evangelist, Stephen Lungu

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Rachel Lungu in hospital in Malawi with her evangelist husband, Stephen, after her miraculous recovery from malaria and pneumonia after many Christians prayed for her.

Prayer networks in Southern Africa and beyond were alerted last week that Rachel Lungu, wife of international African Enterprise (AE) evangelist Stephen Lungu, was in a critical state in a Malawi hopital after contracting malaria.

Intercessors continued to lift prayers as reports followed that despite doctors’ best efforts Rachel’s condition worsened, she did not recognise her husband who had flown in from South Africa to be at her side, and that she had suffered life-threatening convulsions. It was discovered that she had pneumonia in addition to malaria.

But God responded to the prayers of an army of believers. On Saturday (November 7), within days of Stephen Lungu’s first call for prayer backing for his wife, he told AE colleague Darryl Naidoo: “God is doing a miracle!”

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A day after she had two convulsions and those around her feared they were going to lose her, she got up, started eating and recognised her husband. By Sunday she was speaking and looking much better.

“We are just amazed when we see her. One time she had stopped breathing and her body became cold. But in His mercy He heard all the prayers,” said Stephen in a whatsapp message to Naidoo.

By Monday (November 9) she was chatting and ministering to people in her ward and sharing a powerful spiritual experience she had during her ordeal. She said God had revealed to her the need to “preach to ourselves before we preach to others’ and “to look at our hearts first before we point fingers at others.”

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She is not yet ready to speak about the full spiritual experience. But she has been discharged from hospital and is back home in Lilongwe. She and Stephen are grateful to God and the many people who rose to the call for prayer for her recovery.

In a message to Naidoo today, Stephen wrote: “Yes, we can glorify God for bringing Mum back to life. We are just overwhelmed with amazement. Mum left us three times but was brought back to life. She is a miracle!”

Stephen has suspended his travel schedule for a while to be with Rachel. He was due to speak at a pastor’s breakfast in Cape Town tomorrow.


  1. Assie Van der Westhuizen

    Glory be to God, Jehova Rapfae, “I am the Lord that healeth thee”.!!!

  2. So encouraged to hear your good, miraculous news Stephen & Rachel.
    I was praying for your all at AE but did not know Rachel was so ill.

  3. Praise God! Truly a time of signs and wonders.

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