MMC Limpopo ready for men to arrive next week

Hired loos in place on Snymansdrift farm near Polokwane, venue for the Bushveld Mighty Men Conference next week

Preparations for the MMC Limpopo, also known as the Bushveld MMC — including the building of a large, permanent stage — are expected to be completed tomorrow (Friday, March 2), in time for the arrival of thousands of men next week.

“Sometimes it felt like we would never finish in time,” said Francois Brits who is hosting the second Bushveld MMC Limpopo on his farm Snymansdrift near Polokwane. But indeed he an his team have put in place the considerable infrastructure needed to provide camping, ablution and meeting facilities for tens of thousands of men for the event which runs from Friday, March 9 to Sunday March 11.

Volunteers Hein and Alwyn finish off one of the access control gates at the MMC venue

“Next week we will just clean up the area,” he said. He expected a fair number of men to start arriving on Wednesday and many more to arrive on Thursday and Friday.

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Brits said about 12 to 15 000 men attended the inaugural Bushveld MMC last year, and based on feedback he had received, he hoped for 20 to 30 ooo men next week. Although men could book online, most just arrived and paid at the gate, he said.

“We just provide the loaves and fishes and the Lord does the rest,” said Brits, who has committed to host annual Mighty Men camps on his farm for seven years.

“My farm can accommodate up to 400 000 men camping and if it grows to that size over the seven years that will be fine,” said Brits.

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The theme for the MMC Limpop is “Seeking the face of God”. Speakers at the event will include Mighty Men founder AngusBuchan, who hosted annual MMC events on his Greytown farm from 2004  to 2010 ; Piet Jacobs; Riekert Botha and Dr Izak Burger. And praise and worship will be led by Franna Benade.

While the Friday and Saturday programme is for men only, women and small children (6 and younger) are welcome to attend the Sunday service at 9am. More information about the Bushveld MMC is available on the website.




  1. Tinus Rautenbach

    Wat ‘n wonderbaarlike sielsverrykende lewensveranderlike godverernde inspirerende naweek.
    Hierdie was my sesde MMC. My tweede Polokwane ervaring. Nie so groot soos van die ander nie, maar op verskeie maniere die heel beste.
    Geriewe uitstekend en skoon. Admin 100%. Lofprysing en aanbidding (veral Sondag) hoogs inspirerend en opheffend.
    Ons was 13 manne van Roodepoort en Krugersdorp. Ek is seker dat julle van ons manne se kant donasies gaan ontvang.
    Julle keuse van sprekers was uitstekend in kwaliteit en verskeidenheid. Ek het die wereldse respek en agting vir Oom Angus (ek is heelwat ouer as hy), maar dit is baie goed dat die boodskappe van verskeie oorde af kom. Julle bewys dat die MMC konsep nou volwassenheid bereik en glad nie van seker persone afhang nie.

    Franna was SUPER

    Baie geluk aan Francois en sy span

    Groot seëninge aan hulle toegewens..

    NS. Was julle syfers nie verkeerd oor die bywoning nie. Ek het nie geding daar was minder manne as verlede jaar nie. Vra maar net. Ek bevraagteken glad nie die kostes nie.

    Broeder in Christus en Kameraad in MMC.

  2. thank God for MMC. This year i did not come but next year i will be there. Can you please inform us in time so we can make arengment for the men in Soweto to come and pray with you men of God.

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