Mogoeng leads campaign to bring healing to SA

Youtube screenshot of SABC News live coverage of Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng speaking at a Healing The Nation service hosted on Zoom on Resurrection Sunday.

On Resurrection Sunday Ariella Ministries and Vuka Africa Foundation, in partnership with other ministries, held a special Zoom service to launch their 50-Days of Healing the Nation campaign.

During the three-hour online event Chief Justice Mogoeng, who was the main speaker, accepted an invitation to lead the campaign which involves taking daily Scriptures of hope, healing and restoration like medicine and proclaiming them over South Africa from Resurrection Sunday to the Day of Pentecost.

The service was attended by over 170 people of all races from across the nation on Zoom and was broadcast live on Facebook. What was unknown to many was that the SABC news channel had picked up the story and was broadcasting the service live to the nation [See video below].

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This virtual meeting was a continuation of a series of Vuka Africa prayer meetings focused on national healing that have taken place in SA over the years, and were intensified with the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdown. The last of these meetings was held on March 25, the day before the start of the national lockdown. That meeting was, in fact, inspired by a call to prayer by Mogoeng, and the chief justice was also a surprise attendee at that gathering.

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Among the speakers at Sunday’s Zoom service were Pastor Amanda le Roux of Ariella Ministries, from Mpumalanga , who shared her passion for the healing of the continent and faith in the power of the word of God to heal. This had made it easy for her to join forces with Apostle Linda Gobodo of Vuka Africa Foundation and visionary of the 50-Days of Healing the Nation campaign.

Prophet Laurette Mkati, a Scottish missionary who has been based in SA for many years and is a leader in the SA Prayer Movement for Change (SAPMC) was one of the speakers. She reminded the congregation that while everyone was celebrating that Jesus rose from the dead, they should remember that He was resurrected over 2000 years ago and was presently waiting to see the power of His resurrection manifested through His people, the Church.

She spoke about the calling of South Africans to take the Gospel to the nations — including her nation the United Kingdom — that once were reformed by the power of the Gospel and now are in need of God’s Word again.

The next speaker was Apostle Mpho Mosoeu of Agape Family Church, who shared about the importance of remembering the power God demonstrated over Passover when he delivered Israel from Egypt and how he confronted Pharoah who wouldn’t let go of God’s people. He urged the Church to confront things that are keeping people bound, with boldness and confidence that God wants to set His people free from all forms of bondage.

Gobodo, who spoke next, shared how the current 50-Days of Healing the Nation prayer campaign was preceded by a similar campaign born in 2017 after she visited all the provinces of SA to encourage people to arise and do business in Africa but found they were to hurt, disappointed and angry to receive her message of hope.

Introducing the Chief Justice, who spoke after her, she shared how, while she was praying one morning some years ago, the Lord rebuked her and the Church for failing to pray for righteous people to occupy influential positions. The Lord subsequently revealed to her that He had chosen Mogoeng — who she did not know at that time — to become SA’s next chief justice. She said she had shared these experiences with SAPMC and together they began to seek and pray for Mogoeng.

She also shared how Mogoeng had walked with the healing campaign from its birth in March 2017, to their launch of the first 100-Days of Healing campaign as well as in consultation meetings last year in Sandton and in Soweto and Shaperville, townships that had experienced much pain and trauma in the apartheid era.

At both township consultations, elders prayed for Mogoeng, acknowledging him as a “David” figure raised by God to bring hope and to lead the nation into her prophetic destiny.

A report in Rapport newspaper in December last year on a Soweto healing consultation where Chief Justice Mogoeng was recognised as a David figure.

In his address Mogoeng Mogoeng drew many examples from the life of David that demonstrated a new leadership model required for the nation to move forward and fulfil its prophetic destiny.

He said the five stones that David used to slay Goliath, had been made smooth and clean from the brook — speaking of the purity and holiness of those who were surrendered to being used by the Lord. The five stones also represented principles that South Africa and Africa needed to embrace to realise their prophetic destinies — namely, healing, integrity, excellence, meritocracy and pragmatism, he said.

He highlighted healing as key for the nation and the continent to move forward. Healing is mentioned in the preamble of the SA Constitution and there remains a need to heal divisions of the nation’s past.

Mogoeng highlighted that David was a leader who relentlessly pursued the healing of the division of the nation that began when Saul began to pursue him, dividing those who supported David and those who didn’t.

After Saul had died and David became king over all Israel, he focused on healing the division of their past and uniting the nation. He made sure that factionalism was not tolerated, even when his army commander killed Saul’s army commander Abner. He distanced himself from Abner’s death, clearly sending a message that he did not condone the behaviour of one of his leaders.

Earlier in the virtual service Gobodo had asked Mogoeng if he would lead to the Healing Campaign, talking to him as a pastor and minister of the gospel. Due to technical glitches no one heard his answer. After his address someone on the floor sent a message to the moderator asking that he respond to the earlier question. Participants expressed joy when he assented.

A national steering committee, including leaders from each province and several additional members, has been set up to drive the campaign in the provinces.

The campaign has received an overwhelmingly positive response from across the nation, with many people sharing testimonies of how much hope was restored in their hearts through Sunday’s online event.

You can join the 50-Days of Healing the Nation Campaign by emailing a request to


  1. Suzette van Rooyen

    When the late Pastor Ed Roebert spoke at our church many years ago, he said that South
    Africa had a David that would arise. Could it be Chief Justice Mogoeng is our David

  2. What an honor and privilege to hear the heart of God being shared so boldly in the media, by those in leadership of our wonderful nation. This message shared by our Godly Chief Justice certainly raises the levels of hope in our nation. Thank you

  3. Carrol Abrahams

    I am encouraged deep within my heart hearing a David has arose and taken his dual responsibility to do the Father’s Will upon the earth and lead our nation SouthaAfrica,Africa and the entire world into a new order of governance, God’s Kingdom come and His Will be done on earth as is in Heaven.

  4. I am happy to read about this, its gives me hope about africa knowing that God he is still with us, when government leaders praise the Lord then we have hope, rise David rise for Africa and the world.

  5. Awesome project . The Lord Bless South Africa, Africa and the nations of the World!

  6. We bless the Lord for raising God Fe leaders like Chief Justice Mogoeng. We trust God that out country; Africa and the entire world is healed.

  7. We thank God for this courageous servant of God, Chief Justice Mogoeng South Africa will never be the same, as long as we commit ourselves to prayer and the Word of God.
    Thank you Jesus Christ.

  8. We thank God for you chief justice for being one of very few leaders in South Africa who is reminding us that Only God is a healer and doctors are the ones who treat. I pray to God that all who are infected and affected will remember their creator and stop swimming in the pool of fear. God is readily available for us to see us through. We should not leave Him behind because we need Him to strengthen us in this journey

  9. Darlington Dalithemba Ndlovu

    Good evening. I just came across the chief justice on newsafrika some few minutes ago. His genuine faith and love of Our soon coming Lord and only Savior Jesus Christ left me amazed. I just said Lord Almighty, please continue to protect and fight all the battles of your chief justice for Your glory in the Name of Jesus Christ. South Africa, Africa and the whole world at large will be restored because of the finished work of Calvary if they can devout and surrender their lives to Jesus Christ.
    I would like to be added to be part of this movement or project until Jesus Christ come to take us in Heaven.

    Yours truly
    Evangelist Darlington Dalithemba Ndlovu
    Word of Life Christian Church (Boksburg)

  10. Anne MacKellar

    May God bless Africa. Wonderful meeting today. Thank you to all.

  11. Thank you and may God bless you all.
    Thank you so much.

  12. ronnie thebe (apostle )

    I’m so overwhelmed by the stand taken by our chief justice demonstrated nternationally in liberating our nation in witness the word of God in this nation healing campaign we salute your bravery attention to God when He is in really looking for dying loyalties to take this great commission to the adge of the world We salute you by rising on the opening of the Parliament and fall into your knees in prayers for the mercy of this country which is in tartarstartars You are not alone in this spiritual warfare I’m the one of the dying loyalties of Jesus Christ to pay wage and defeat the king Dom of darkness unity is strength I will be with you under the umbrella of Christian Government International ministry amen glory to Jesus

    You are not alone I’m one of the dying loyalies apostle of Jesus Christ to join you to pay wage in healing nation campaign

  13. Maureen Mdaka

    We are right behind the program

  14. May God bless and pritect the Chies Justice and everyone in his life
    He is an answer to our prayers.

  15. Khethiwe Saul

    Im blessed to see this broadcast im overwhelmed

  16. Kefilwe Matlala

    i’m in tears, in awe. Me and my family are right behind this program. God bless South Africa, God bless Africa

  17. Linda Gcilitshana

    I have been listening to Chief Justice speeches for sometime now and I know that he has an amazing character, integrity and humbleness that one can feel even if you haven’t met him in person. As South Africans we are truly blessed to gave such calibre within us, good for the country and Africa, let the world learn from us being a small country that is still developing and able to produce good quality products. God bless him with many years to heal and restore His people.

  18. Pastor Zanele Msani

    To God be the glory, with this servant of God, our beloved country South Africa is heavenly honoured to be judicially embrace by a God fearing man, oh our beloved country South Africa. Surely I will pray.

  19. Girlie Motaung

    Thanks man of God we are behind you.we will continue praying for you and your family.

  20. Nwana wa Nyathi

    I would like to join the prayer group but the one I was referred to, the group Admin was asked if I am a mature Christian. Secondly the referee was also asked if she has been praying and completing the one hour. What are the terms of reference because this looks like the platform is not open to the public. Please advise.

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