Mogoeng says SA will enter divine destiny next year, he will be president one day

Former chief justice Mogoeng Mogoeng addressing Christians from across South Africa at the Time2Rise gathering outside Bloemfontein on Saturday evening (PHOTO: Moloko Moloto)

Next year – the 30th year of South Africa’s democracy – the nation will cross over into its divine destiny, former Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng told a Christian gathering outside Bloemfontein on Saturday. 

Mogoeng, who was the keynote speaker at the nation-building Time2Rise event on Wilde Als farm also said God has told him repeatedly he will become president of South Africa one day – without even needing to contest an election.

He said the Lord gave him the prophetic revelation about South Africa’s divine destiny on August 21 after leading him to Genesis 41 at a time he was seeking to hear from God ahead of an important meeting.

He said God spoke to him through verse 46, which talks about Joseph beginning his rule over Egypt when he was 30 years old. The Lord then showed him that David also began to rule at 30 and that Jesus started his ministry at that age.

Mogoeng said that God said to him: “This nation that carries the future of the continent and the future of the whole world in its palm, according to My plan, will be turning 30 in the wilderness. It would have been 30 years in the wilderness ever since it left Egypt. The time to cross over into the land of milk and honey, the time for this nation, this land to assume its divine, prophetic role or destiny begins when it becomes 30 in the wilderness.”

During his message, the former chief justice acknowledged the dire state of SA on many fronts but also shared excerpts from 21 hopeful prophetic words concerning South Africa from respected prophets – including prophecies about the greatest revival of all time starting in this nation and spreading through Africa and beyond.

On his conviction that he will be president of South Africa one day, he said: “For many years now, and at least four times this year, the Lord has made it abundantly clear to me that he intends to make me president of this country – and to use me to help steer the rest of the continent in a just, peaceful, and prosperous trajectory.

“But, He also cautioned me firmly that I must neither join nor form a political party. For He wants to fulfil my destiny in His own way.

 “Does that mean that perhaps He wants me to run for political office as an independent candidate? No, not even that.”

Moegeng said he once believed, “through common sense”, that the only way anyone could become president of South Africa was through participation in the elections.

But after consulting the Holy Spirit he said he is content to leave the manner and the timing of his future appointment as state president in God’s all-powerful hands, despite the advice of some well-meaning Christians that he should participate in the electoral process if he hopes to lead the nation.

He said that while he has no ambition to become president he does desire to act according to God’s perfect will.

Referring to God’s grace that enabled him to endure extreme mockery he experienced on his judicial career path – especially when he asserted that God wanted him to be Chief Justice, he said: “ I have learned to trust this God. I have travelled a long way with Him for me to suddenly doubt him, however, obviously ridiculous His approach might appear to be. His foolishness is by far wiser than the wisdom of all men put together.”

During his message Mogoeng referred to South Africa as “Azaniah”, which he said was a prophetic name from a Ugandan intercessor who said the country needs to break from the old name which entrenches past divisions and injustices.

“Obviously, each of us must ask God if this name comes from him. Don’t just accept it. You’re free to reject it. It’s a matter of hearing and obeying,” he said.

He said that the Hebraic meaning of Azaniah is “God heard”, or “God is listening”. “It is not about Azapo or the PAC,” he said.

He said, without seeking to be controversial, he believes that the national name change is necessary for proclaiming this season as a time to arise and shine as the new era requires a new wineskin.

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  1. Malixole Mdolo - President of God Save Africa

    God Almighty is busy uniting the body of Jesus Christ for a Godly government in South Africa in 2024 and please don’t be left behind in this great opportunity and project for great revival, change, transformation, spiritual revolution, redemption, deliverance, healing of the land and upliftment

    • Malixole Mdolo - President of God Save Africa

      Let us support Mogoeng
      Let us put our trust only to God Almighty because many people disappointed us in life

      • Senokopela Ruth Moholo

        Yes, as Mr Mogoeng proved to be God fearing and stood for God Sovereignty, I am prepared to stand by him to in totality for God’s Glory to be manifested in our lovely County, South Africa.

  2. It’s better to trust God and follow His wisdom which is indeed wuser than the wisdom of all men put together.
    Let support and follow the servant of God in this journey regardless…
    God is more than able…

  3. Yes let’s support Mr Mogoeng Mogoeng. We are behind him .

  4. This man Former Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng really need a full support from all South African people who need liberation from the sicking state.

  5. Neo Anna Mosuang

    I pray for ntate chief Justice Mekgweng Mekgweng, May GOD use you abundantly , we are so tired and helpless about the situation in our country right now, everything that is happening is so demonic,please bring our GOD back to us,schools, government department infect Azania as a whole re hloka MODIMO.

  6. Malixole Mdolo - President of God Save Africa

    The unity of the body of Jesus Christ is the only answer in South Africa to remove this satanic, antichrist and devil controlled government in 2024 and bring great change, transformation, spiritual revolution, deliverance, redemption and healing of the land

    • Christina Rapudi

      Greeting. You are spot on. Listen Prophet Yamkela Joseph and Kerry Ann at you utup. They have already prophesied about Mr Mogoeng Mogoeng being the new President in 2024. God has annointed him. Actually spiritually he is already a president, including his God fearing cabinet. God is going to change our voting system. Again God is going to allow the Holly spirit to train him about everything he needed to rule. He is going to replace the satanic ANC government officials. They had made a covenant with the devil. They sold the country to the devil at Roben Island. Thus so much lawlessness in the country. South Africa is true is going to lead the whole to Holly spiritual rivaval. SA is a chosen country. Golgota is here. We are the real Israelites/ the Hebronites/ children of Abraham. Second Exodus is going to happen here in SA. Please listen to Yamkela Joseph and Kerry Ann if you want to know about the future of our country. It is bright.

  7. This is profound, praise God. I have been praying for this man of God to become the president of SA. God has indeed heard the cries of our hearts. Thank You Father
    God bless you sir, can’t wait.