Movie Wise – February 14, 2014


[notice]A new weekly column in which Pieter Pohl, founder and managing director of Innovation Films, sheds some light on the latest movies. Check in each week for reviews and previews of mainstream and Christian movies at the cinema, on TV or on DVD.[/notice]

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I have the fantastic opportunity to be part of a wonderful team doing a South African tour with Ian McCormack promoting the release of THE PERFECT WAVE. (See: )

Over the next 3 weeks I won’t post any reviews of the latest movies, but I will keep you posted with news pertaining to the tour and THE PERFECT WAVE leading up to the cinematic release on 28 February 2014.

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Movie Trailer:


(Sun 09 Feb ’14: MNet 20:05 & MNet Movies Premiere 20:30)


WARNING: Violence and Strong Language

olympusTo be honest, I never got around to review this movie, but below is a summary from

In OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN, the President of the United States and the White House itself is taken hostage by North Korean terrorists, so it’s up to one former secret service agent to save the country from disaster. OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN is an exciting action packed thriller with strong Christian, biblical, patriotic values, but extreme caution is advised due to strong foul language and strong violence.

For more info and ratings please follow the link:

Movie Trailer:




danielDove Review:
This movie is wonderful. It sticks very closely to the scriptures regarding Daniel and his relationship with King Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar, and Darius. With terrific special effects featured the viewer sees the three Hebrews, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, walk in the midst of the burning fiery furnace and suddenly a fourth figure walking with them, one that protects them from the flames. We see Belshazzar and his impending doom after he drinks from the goblets and vessels used in the service of the temple of the Hebrews. We see the envy of three rulers who attempt to trick the king into killing Daniel in the lion’s den. But to their amazement Daniel survives and it is they who must face severe judgment.
This movie literally brings the story of Daniel alive. The acting is excellent, the music is terrific, and the story is inspiring and remarkable. “The Book of Daniel” is a good tool to use in Christian Education or Sunday School Classes. This movie has earned five Doves from us.

For more info, to view the trailer or purchase the DVD online, please follow the link:

Innovation Films is a creative film entertainment company comprising multi-faceted service departments including production, distribution, consulting, marketing and publicity.

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