Movie Wise – February 7, 2014


[notice]A new weekly column in which Pieter Pohl, founder and managing director of Innovation Films, sheds some light on the latest movies. Check in each week for reviews and previews of mainstream and Christian movies at the cinema, on TV or on DVD.[/notice]

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WARNING: Violence, Brutality, Strong language and moderate sex and nudity

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mandelamovieMany of us are well aware of who Mandela is and his influence to take South Africa out of an apartheid regime to a democratic nation, yet to watch a high budget movie summarising this is really amazing.

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MANDELAL: LONG WALK TO FREEDOM chronicles Mandelas’s life focusing on him as a person with weaknesses, fears and dreams who chose to take a stand against an extremely unjust system. His relationship with Winnie Mandela is a central point of the movie and makes his character more relatable. What I don’t like about the movie is that it only focuses on selected massacres and paints a grim picture of white South Africans of the time.

To capture Mandela’s entire life story in only 141 minutes whilst maintaining an excellent plot and brilliant character development is what was most enjoyable for me and I left the cinema encouraged and proud to be a South African.

For more info and ratings please follow the link:

Movie Trailer:



(Sun 09 Feb ’14: MNet 20:05 & MNet Movies Premiere 20:30)


WARNING: Moderate Violence, Strong Language, Sex and Nudity

silverliningsTo be honest, I never got around to review this movie, but below is a summary from

SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK is a quirky romantic comedy about a thirtysomething man with anger issues, who befriends a twentysomething widow who also has some emotional problems. After a rocky start, SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK becomes very entertaining, with a feel good ending, but there’s about 130 obscenities and profanities and only some light moral or redemptive moments.

For more info and ratings please follow the link:

Movie Trailer:




LOVING THE BAD MAN is a powerful story of redemption and forgiveness.

lovingbadDove Review:
A young woman named Julie Thompson is a Christian who sings in her car on a trip to help out with a youth group when her tire blows out. She stops by a bar near the accident to see if she can find help. A young man, a mechanic, who has been drinking for a while, goes with her to help but soon makes a pass at her and then runs her down and rapes her.

Later, after giving birth to a baby, despite the protests of those close to her, Julie visits the prison where the man who raped her, Mike, is imprisoned. She is determined to forgive him and to share the love of Christ. Her family, especially her father, is angry beyond words when they learn of Julie’s visits to the prison. Eventually, she helps them to see the forgiveness that is in her heart and God’s plan of forgiveness. This powerful story contains some intense scenes, including a prison fight and a few men being stabbed, but the scenes are not gratuitous and the redemptive theme shines throughout the film. Therefore, we are most pleased to award our Dove Seal to this DVD for ages twelve and above.

For more info, to view the trailer or purchase the DVD online, please follow the link:




  1. Also read:-
    The Battle for the Mind in News Media
    How Propaganda Changes Perceptions and People
    Dealing with Deceit
    The Mandela Industry
    Movieguide Review – Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom
    Mandela Day and the Making of a New Religion
    Making Idols of Modern Men and Myths
    Idols for Destruction

  2. Looking for any funding for a The film is historical drama in 1700 base on a true story that happen here in our country. The film is essentially a christian film with a strong message to the S.A. Of today.This film through the making have the ingredients to uplift a poverty striken area in the Northern Cape. The potential for this film to become a block buster here and overseas is enornous.

    Yours Sincerly
    Pieter Pretorius

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