Muslim woman responds to ad on Facebook page, finds Jesus

Originally published by Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

An ad caught Farah’s* eye.

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“Does God care about the bad things that happen to you?” it said, asking readers to send in their questions about God.

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When Farah clicked the link, a Salam Maa Allah Facebook Messenger chat box popped up.

“Peace be upon you,” she typed. “I always miss and forget doing my prayer rites. I don’t know why. Am I away from God? I also feel sad and afraid most of the time.”

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Farah had stumbled across the Salam Maa Allah Facebook page, part of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association’s (BGEA) Arabic ministry. The page, which launched in 2017 and has more than 380 000 followers, features videos and articles explaining the Gospel to Muslims.

And that number grows constantly.

The Facebook page is an extension of, an interactive website that takes viewers through the steps to finding peace with God. For many Muslims like Farah, this website opens a door for them to hear the Gospel in countries where it can be dangerous to talk about Jesus.

Culmination of long search
When ISIS occupied her city, Farah started looking deeper into Islam. The more she searched, though, the more she kept thinking it couldn’t be the path to finding God.

For years she looked at other ways, particularly Christianity. It was during that time when she landed on the Salam Maa Allah Facebook page and found herself virtually chatting with an Arabic-speaking volunteer.

“Do you want to know God’s plan for saving or redeeming our mankind?” the volunteer asked her.

“Yes,” Farah replied. “I want to come closer to God and get rid of sin in my life.”

Within the next few minutes, the volunteer walked Farah through a series of questions that revealed the hope of the Gospel and the deep love of God. The volunteer shared a prayer of salvation with her and asked her to read it out loud.

“Yes, I read the prayer,” she typed. “My tears are flowing with every word because it fills me with peace and comfort.”

Farah has since joined several online discipleship courses that explain what it means to have a personal relationship with God’s Son, Jesus. She’s also teaching her daughters about Him, and is able to live out her new Christian faith in front of her husband.

Her one disappointment? That no one told her about the Gospel until she was nearly 50 years old.

Coming home
Hassan* was also looking for the truth when he stumbled across the Salam Maa Allah Facebook page.

“I feel someone is speaking to my heart and I want to know who is God,” he messaged. “I am Muslim and I don’t feel … satisfied with my faith. When I think of the Christian faith, I feel like there is a connection with whom they believe in, because of the love they always share with each other.”

Virtually, an Arabic-speaking volunteer shared about God’s unconditional love and how Christ came to earth as a human to save sinners.

Like Hassan—and every other person in this world.

With the message of God’s love touching his heart, Hassan prayed to accept Jesus Christ into his heart. As he explained, “Because Jesus Christ is the only one who loved us and [gives] Himself for us when He died on the cross.”

“I have an unexplainable feeling,” Hassan said afterward. “I feel like a baby who was lost and finally got back to his mother’s arms.”

*Names changed to protect privacy. 

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  1. Oh this touches my heart deeply. I pray for Muslims to receive revelation of who JESUS is.
    Amazing how God works, even through Facebook adverts!!

  2. What an encouraging testimony of both these dear people. Thank you LORD for online ministries may they grow in grace mercy and HIS love day by day

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