MYSTERIOUS WAYS: Land of milk and honey

A column in which Simon Kumm unpacks the mysterious ways of God, to connect believers with their Father and His incredible living inheritance!

The thought of a land flowing with milk and honey conjures pictures in our imaginations of paradise. Whether you are a student of the Bible or not, that phrase has become well known, universally meaning a place of abundance, or one of fulfilled dreams or desires and inheritance.

It was used on many occasions throughout the Bible with reference to the Promised Land, a land reserved as a dwelling place for the Israelite nation.

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With all of this context in mind, I wanted to set the scene for a sentence that got my attention not so long ago.

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It was Father’s Day a few years back, and I was at our local church on a Sunday morning. The worship musicians were playing when an inspired sentence entered my thoughts rather unexpectedly.

“Where there are only men, there is no milk!”

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Given the context of where I was and the significance of it being Father’s day, I thought to meditate on it a bit and allow the hidden truth behind the statement to be revealed to me as I prayed.

The sentence itself is a statement of truth, as men have no capacity for milk production, but as I thought on the milk aspect, it made me think of the land that flows with milk, the Promised Land. Couple that to the fact it was also Father’s Day and the Promised Land was an inheritance from God the Father to the Israelites, the dots started joining together.

As I pondered this, I realised that where there are only men, not only is there no milk, but no honey either, as a quick Google search confirmed that both milk and honey are produced solely by females. And if there is no milk and no honey, then there is no promised land at all!

And then the penny dropped as to what this was all about: The Promised Land was always a land bountifully producing both milk and honey. The Promised Land (which also symbolically represents a place of unhindered union with our Father) is a place where the female role is celebrated and allowed to be abundantly fruitful within their designed role. That’s the inheritance the Father wants for all His kids, both male and female!

There are still many cultures today that celebrate sons more than they do daughters, but the truth is both have equal value! If this is not realised and acknowledged, then we will not be able to inherit the Promised Land that Father God has for us. The same land which by definition is a place where the feminine role is unhindered and flourishing.

We live in a time when it’s necessary to acknowledge our daughters. If we don’t we will never be able to receive from them and creating the environment of promise for all of us actually depends on it. It depends on them.

Gender was never supposed to bring limitation, but was given as a Father’s impartation. It’s an identity with an embedded role and purpose.

While the inheritance of sons is well documented, as a Father of daughters myself, I realised that the inheritance of the son actually is affected by the inheritance of the daughter. The Promised Land is both individual and corporate. No milk, no honey, no promise for anybody.

For our daughters, a Promised Land inheritance is a place where they are true heiresses, free to live fully in their uniquely designed, created role. Free to joyfully produce milk and honey, ie. whatever it is they were designed to do, both personally and for those around them. They actually form a key part of creating that environment for themselves and others. All from a place of secure connection with their Dad, while acknowledged, valued and celebrated by those around them.

So perhaps part of inheriting the promise looks like creating an environment where both milk and honey can flow so we can all enter into that inheritance together.

As a father, that’s my deep desire!

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