Natalie Knox – The Mending Chronicles of Liam and Emily: Book Review

The Mending Chronicles of Liam and Emily by Natalie Knox aims to help kids recover from the trauma of divorce (BOOK COVER IMAGE: Focus on the Family).

Book review by Erica Filter.

I am a counsellor who works mainly with children and teenagers at Focus on the Family Africa. I have read The Mending Chronicles of Liam and Emily, which includes a story and workbook with emotional vocabulary.

As a counsellor who often deals with children of divorce, I found that the book covers relevant and necessary topics for them, including feelings of sadness, guilt, anger, new family, etc.

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The stories are of two children, Emily and her older brother, Liam, who must deal with the typical thoughts, feelings and behaviours of children who have faced the trauma of divorce. These stories can help the client identify what they are feeling in a less threatening way. One could use these stories as a springboard for children who are facing the effects of a divorce.

I have used the workbook section at the end of each story most in my counselling sessions – even for children facing other challenges such as grief. I found the worksheet sections very helpful for therapy since they are practical, easy to understand and can provide a window into what the child is thinking. I have even used these worksheet sections for a teenager whose parents had divorced.

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As a Christian, I highly valued the fact that the stories and workbook section include Scripture, as I believe that Scripture brings life and healing. I enjoyed that it includes both good psychological tools and scriptures to help children who are dealing with divorce.

It also includes emotional vocabulary, should some children struggle to know what they are feeling and what “feeling words” mean. This could help improve the emotional intelligence of most children.

Another great aspect of the book is the colours – bright and colourful! Overall, I would highly recommend this book to parents, teachers and counsellors alike.

Click here to purchase a copy of The Mending Chronicles of Liam and Emily by Natalie Knox, now available at the Focus on the Family store.

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