National day of repentance observed in SA

South African intercessors and prayer warriors today observed a call to meet online from 3pm to 5pm to repent earnestly before the Lord at a date and a time set by Him.

The call was made earlier through a voice message circulated via social media from Prophetess Beverley van Rensbrg of Cry of An Eagle Ministries in Gauteng who said God had instructed her to call a national day of repentance called the Cry of Repentance of South Africa.

In her voice message Beverley says she initially asked the Lord to use somebody else as nobody would listen to her. But she eventually yielded to His will.

Beerley van Rensburg

She said the Lord told her that He had repeatedly warned the Church in South Africa to repent but His words had not been heeded and His people had gone on with business and church as usual. She called on believers to write the words “God of Mercy” followed by Psalm 51:1-19 on white ribbon or a white cloth or on walls — and to wrap the ribbons around their limbs or hang them on walls.

The call to repentance was quickly taken up by the Global Day of Repentance movement of which Susan Hammer, co-leader of Cry of An Eagle Ministries is a South African representative. The Hope, Healing, Restoration Project of the Lord, which is led by Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng also decided to heed the call. At a prayer meeting last Sunday on the last day of a period of 7-days-of-repentance prayer, Mogoeng said SA is in a season of judgment, repentance and birth of the destiny of the nation.

Global Day of Repentance and the Hope, Healing, Restoration Project of the Lord both held online repentance events from 3pm to 5pm. Pastor Jeff Dayly the US founder of Global Day of Repentance was one of the leaders of their gathering in which intercessors from SA and various nations around the world prayed through a number of prayer points. Mogoeng, assisted by several other leaders, led the other event in which the online gathering prayed through a number of repentance points and renewed a covenant to follow and obey Jesus, and to walk in love and unity and to seek first God’s Kingdom and His righteousness.

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