National fast called amidst warnings of more planned attacks

Prophetess Janet Brann Hollis and Dr Pearl Kupe are calling for a three day national fast from Monday July 26 to Wednesay July 28 following mulitiple warnings of further violence planned in the country.  

In a press release Brann Hollis says she received four such notifications from trusted leaders that she has walked with, some for over 30 years of ministry.

“Each leader was warned in a dream of a second wave of destruction and devastation that is about to be released over South Africa.  As we all know South Africa has encountered a mass wave of urban terrorism in this last week.  The economic and psychological harm inflicted on businesses and families can never be quantified for years to come.     

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“God speaks by His prophets and leaders, encouraging warnings, for the Church to arise and take dominion over these planned attacks of the enemy,” she says.

There is a sense of urgency that the Church community come together, says the press release.

The following action plan is suggested:

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Sunday July 25th – Church leaders please raise corporate prayer into this attack

Monday July 26 – Wednesday July 28 – Begin a personal and corporate prayer and fast.

 We are to fast, pray, and decree for the following:


  • the altars of witchcraft that are calling for blood in SA.
  • Prayer to seal the gates of SA from every principality of  DESTRUCTION released against us, releasing angelic gatekeepers at the gates!
  • The release of the spirit of Destruction back upon the enemy
  • UTTER CONFUSION amongst the enemy, that he cannot move forward
  • Healing and Restoration for our beloved SA, economically   and socially…

Scriptures to pray:

  • Isaiah 59:19 – Decree: the Lord will LIFT HIS STANDARD over SA,  against the enemyPsalm 91 – Decree: protection over your home, your street, city and nation.  Praying the blood of Jesus, sealing our nation, that only the blood of JESUS will SPEAK… Rev. 12:11 – We overcome by the Blood.
  • 2 Chr. 7:14 – Cry to God to heal our nation
  • Psalm 64 – FOCUS ON vs 7/8  
  • Decree: God will shoot them with his arrows;
                 they will suddenly be struck down.
                 God will turn their own tongues against them, and 
    bring them to ruin, all who see them will shake their      heads in scorn.

Why do we need the fast?

Scripture gives us several accounts of the nation of Israel calling for a national fast when in serious, serious danger.  They are as follows:

  • Ezra 8:21-22 – Ezra called a fast because Israel was in danger, the next generation was going to suffer great loss and destruction
  • 2 Chr 20:3 – Jehoshaphat called a fast:  Israel were about to be overcome by the enemy
  • Nehemiah 1:1-4 mourned, fasted, and prayed when he learned Jerusalem’s walls had been broken down, leaving the Israelites vulnerable and disgraced.

We trust God that HE and only HE will open the Heavens over South Africa, staying the hand of Judgement over our nation.  The church,  we are the only HOPE of South Africa, God is calling on His people to ARISE and do BATTLE…. He will break the bonds of wickedness and allow the heavy burden to go free…. Isaiah 58:6-8.  

God Bless you as we arise in the power of the Spirit…and Redeem South Africa from her enemies.


  1. Suret Kuperus


  2. Amen Amen

  3. Amen!

  4. Amen and Amen !!

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