New book: ‘The End Of Sacrifice’ — Is there hope for a world spinning out of control?

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This intriguing book is a dramatic portrayal of the End Times, seen through the eyes of a Christian who has made his life’s work a detailed study of eschatology.

Author Ted Berg deftly weaves it into current affairs like –

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Climate change
Modern pestilences (Covid) 
World governments in disarray
The wars in Ukraine and Gaza

in a way that it reads like one of today’s newspapers.

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For the serious Christian, End Times theology becomes the driving force behind global evangelism because Jesus does not want ANYONE to perish (2 Peter 3:9) and the Gospel MUST be preached to ALL nations before the end of the world comes to pass (Mark 13:10).

The prophet Daniel

In his famous prediction about the end of days the prophet Daniel refers to “the end of sacrifice” and the “abomination of desolation” taking place in the temple of God just prior to the final holocaust or tribulation. Hence the title of the book.

The author delves into highly controversial topics like what is the truth — can we find it if we examine all the mainline religions of today? He clearly explains life after death, heaven and hell, the rapture, the great tribulation, the thousand years and finally the New Jerusalem.

Click on the link below to get your e-book copy on Amazon today!

The End of Sacrifice – by Ted Berg

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