New Christian alternative to Halaal labels

The new Christian alternative to Halaal labelling.

South African consumers will soon be offered a Christian alternative to Halaal-labelled products.

The new ‘Christian Friendly’ label will give Christian consumers peace of mind that income generated will go to Christian organisations and not be used to finance the spread of Islam, said Etienne De Jager, a director of Christian Friendly Products (CFP), in an interview yesterday.

According to the newly registered non profit organisation’s information leaflet, although Muslims make up only about 2% of the South Africa population, more than 50% of SA food products are certified Halaal, resulting in millions of rands channeled into Islam each year — mostly as a result of the unconscious support of the Christian majority.

He called on Christians to get behind the CFP initiative by using the strength of their numbers to show suppliers that they want them to stock CFP-labelled products.

Missions partnerships
Christian consumers and suppliers can learn more about CFP and make contact with it by visiting the website which was launched this week. CFP aims to turn the tide by partnering and networking with companies and Christian organisations and has already established ties with mission organisations such as Operation Mobilisation, Open Doors, Egeiro Ministry and INcontext Ministries.

Products which carry the CFP label will not be allowed to bear a Halaal label, De Jager said. The CFP label will guarantee consumers that no prayers of dedication have been prayed over food products during meat processing. Suppliers will pay a small royalty fee for displaying the CFP label on their products but they will not face common ‘extra costs’ of Halaal accreditation such as inspection of facilities, transport and accommodation costs of inspectors, replacement of ‘contaminated’ equipment, and ongoing salaries for Muslim people who play ritual roles in the process.

Bertus Griebenow, another of CFP’s three Eastern Cape-based directores, said they have not yet asked any companies to carry their label on their products but they do have a few in mind who they will approach before their public launch. The launch date and venue will be announced soon.

De Jager, who served as a missionary with OM for 2 and a half years, said the venture was birthed just over a year ago after he read a book that explained how Halaal labelling contributes to Islamic mission.

“I prayed about it and God gave me an interesting scripture; John 6:27 which says ‘Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. For on him God the Father has placed his seal of approval’.

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“What struck me was that God’s seal is upon His Son. I saw that the seal that is being put on food is the Halaal label and I realised we should have an alternative that will do the opposite: that will further the Kingdom of God, and strengthen the church”.


  1. Labels a good idea! Might adapt the idea for my homemade jams and pickles!!

  2. I did try and buy only products that did not carry Halaal icons many years ago. I am appalled that I have been paying into the Islamic coffers. I am trusting that in this godless country UK for a similar project.

  3. I am so glad this initiative has been taken. At the moment I buy as many goods as I can from Spar there is no Halaal sign on their products. I support this wholeheartedly. Well done.

  4. Why are Christians eating meat products in the first place? Supporting an industry that abuses God’s creatures – subjecting them to the cruelty of the Factory Farms and the horror of the abattoirs…….

  5. It’s a great way to get people thinking too, thanks for the initiative and may God bless your efforts, I support this 100%

  6. Wow I love this I wondered if the halaal label only bothered me. I’m glad that Christians are doing something about. May the Lord do us good I’ll try spar I didn’t notice their labels

  7. Lionel Williams

    Well done on this initiative i will definately be looking out for the Christian labels and will double check when purchasing goods in order not to support by buying products that is contrary to my believes. Thank you once again and i support you 100% as well.

  8. I’m an athiest. Now I can’t eat anything.

    • Hahaha !! What is an atheist doing reading a Christian newsletter ? LOL “Careful” you might get saved … :-) and then we could welcome you into the Kingdom family !! <3

  9. This is great. So about time. And I didn’t know about SPAR! I will certainly check that out and pass it on! GO SPAR!

  10. What a wonderful initiative. Go for it!

  11. Oh good flicking god almighty. . . You must be joking!?! This is ridiculous and petty. Grow the frack up!

  12. Please explain how buying goods with the Halaal sign contributes to Muslim funds! Does the manufacturer have to pay for ritual inspection or what??? Edgar

  13. Great ! Go for it – you have my support !

  14. Good. I do not buy muslim branded goods. Instead i select goods carefully. No Christian should support muslim branded goods.

  15. Thank you so much for doing this. It has worried me for years that Christian brothers and sisters don’t have the opportunity to supply to the supermarket and fast food chains because of the Halaal label. Lets spend our money where it can make a difference for the extension of God’s kingdom. Support Christians in business who support missions

    • I am sorry to be a wet blanket but, though this is theoretically a great idea, I very much doubt that big business will go along with dropping the Halaal logo. We live in a world that bends over backwards to avoid offending everyone except the Christians (who are fair game for everyone) so they are sure to continue to court the Muslim consumers, knowing full well that the Christian public are too weak kneed to take a stand and that the majority of South Africans, Christian or not, will place convenience ahead of scruples.
      If The mega food industries do not discontinue the Halaal lable – which I am sure they will not – the whole campaign will fall flat on its face as everyone needs to eat and the few independent suppliers that go along with the campaign will never be able to supply the countries food demands…

  16. Eljo Engelbrecht

    Goeie werk, mag CFP van krag tot krag gaan en mag ons Vader die projek seen en gebruik tot Sy eer.

  17. Unable to access “christian friendly products, website.
    All I get is server not found.

  18. I can’t believe how petty this is – as if there aren’t real issues around food, such as the industrialisation of agriculture, GM crops etc, that Christians should be addressing! I just don’t recognise the “Christianity” found on that website. People who think that “Allah” is a Moslim name for God should meet some Arab Christians. And people who think that dietary restrictions are foreign to Christianity should likewise meet some historical Christians (including, perhaps ironically, most Arab Christians).

    • Macrina, it’s not about petty dietary restrictions, it’s about the fact that every time that a Christian buys a product with a Halaal lable they are helping to fund the spread of Islam.
      Do you give money to Christian missions to spread the word of God? I don’t know. But you are surely giving money to muslim missions every time that you purchase Halaal.

  19. Mike, for the record, I do not believe that dietary restrictions are petty. It’s what these people are doing that is petty. And frankly, if I were to choose between this sort of “Christianity” and Islam, I would be hard pressed to choose. I certainly would not want to fund the propagation of such ignorance!