New Christian political party aims to win SA youth back to God

Aletta Riddles.
Aletta Riddles.

When Aletta Riddles had a vision two years ago about forming her own political party, little did she know that one day it would become a reality.

The new party, Nehemiah Liberation Christian Party (NLCP) will be officially launched in Mitchell’s Plain, Cape Town,  next month.

Riddles had a vision in 2011 and God told her she needed to start her own party to win back the youth of South Africa to Him.

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“Our children are vulnerable, the devil is using them to do bad things. They are involved in drugs and all sorts of bad things. When these children are doing bad things we need to ask ourselves who is controlling them,”she said.

She said she had the vision when she was going through a difficult time with her daughter who was involved in drugs.

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“I asked God what needs to be done? I cried all night and then God reminded me of Nehemiah’s story of how he reconstructed the walls of Jerusalem. The walls of Jerusalem were falling and that is what’s happening with our youth. Our youth are in danger, their lives are broken,”she said.

Riddles said children were crying for help from their parents and it was up to people like her to assist them in breaking free from the devil and his ways.

Riddles said young people thought they were free but were living under bondage. “Our young people are slaves to alcohol and drugs. God wants to do something new in their lives, He wants to restore them,”she said.

Riddles said she recently visited about 600 families around Cape Town and was shocked to see how people were living. “Our people are living in poverty, their children are using drugs and dropping out of school,”she said. She said God wanted to restore the whole nation, “God’s people are in need but I know He will hear our outcry.”

On the day of the launch on May 12, Riddles said she would tell people about her vision and how God wanted to restore lives of young people and the whole nation. “After the launch we will invite pastors and engage with them and from there we are hoping they will allow us to go to their churches and share with the people what God has laid into my heart,”she said.

Riddles said people around Cape Town were excited about what God was doing in her life and have commended her for following what the Lord had said to her. “The Spirit of Lord will hit hard on people and they will help in reconnecting the youth to God. We need to take the children out of the community and train them to be soldiers of the Lord. When they come out they will be the salt of the world,”she said.

The new party is registered as a national party and Riddles said she hoped in the next months she would be able to travel around the country sharing her vision.

Though Riddles does not have enough money to run the party she was confident the Lord would provide for them. “The Lord spoke to me and this is His party. He will sustain us and many lives will be saved,” she said. The party has been registered on an national level.


  1. One word “FANTASTIC”

  2. Great vision!I complement you for your dedication to make a difference in your community. But I really feel we have too many Christian Political Parties – this shows me that there is too much division in the Body of Christ in SA. All Christians should rather stand together and vote for one Christian Party, that way we will be able to get more seats in parliament and be able to challenge the present government and be a more effective and productive tool in the hands of God.

  3. Doug Vermeulen

    Aletta, I have sent you an email via ‘’ Let me know whether you get it.
    Blessings to you and yours.

  4. Sorry, I clicked before I added my website.

  5. I remember William Saunderson-Meyer, in his Jaundiced Eye column a number of years ago, said that “in SA every man and his dog can start a political party”. While Aletta Riddles intentions are good, we have too many political parties across the board which don’t even stand a chance of gaining any seats, so that the votes for them are wasted. As Johan says, there are also too many Christian parties, which is diluting the Christian vote, but then he advocates one of the splinter parties. I believe the Lord raised up the ACDP in 1993. It is now an established party with a strong track record, and has been effective in government, e.g. there have been many news reports of Steve Swart’s influential role in ameliorating the Protection of Information Bill. We should not allow the enemy to sow division amongst the Christian voters, bearing in mind that many already vote for parties with ungodly policies. Pray for spiritual wisdom and discernment to be exercised by believers.

  6. Where are the sponsors who help political parties?

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