New citywide missions conference launching in PE in September

A new Port Elizabeth citywide missions conference called Activate that will be launched with meetings at different venues in the city from September 15 to September 17 will seek to build on the excellent foundation of the Bless The Nations missions conference that has been held in the city for 29 years.

Activate was born out of the two-year-old Switched On citywide partnership that seeks to unite churches in Nelson Mandela Bay in seeing the gospel preached to all nations, says Gary Hempel of the appropriately-nicknamed Act1v8 team (See Acts 1 v 8).

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Speakers lined up for the conference include Mike Burnard and Donnelly McCleland from InContext Ministries; Alick Banda from PEACE Ministries – a church planting movement that has seen more than 90 churches planted in Malawi, Zambia and Mozambique; and special guests with ministry experience in Zanzibar and Indonesia.

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This year the focus will be on challenging the Church to be relevant in a time of unprecedented opportunities, how to be engaged in what God is doing amongst refugees, as well as awakening Christians to the rising tide of Islam that is sweeping across Africa, said Hempel.

The provisional programme is:

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Friday September 15
8.30 Pastors, leaders, missions board members breakfast: Greenacres Presby Church (GAP)
6.30 Act1v8 Celebration: Storehouse Church

Saturday September 16
07.30 Prayer Breakfast: “Around the World in 60 Minutes:” Westway Bethel Church
09.00 – 16.00 A full day of Seminars, Workshops and Exhibitions

Sunday September 17
Conference speakers will be at various venues in the city

More details on the conference and registration process are available online at

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