New ventures and adventures with God — Lindy-Ann Hopley

A monthly column bringing you frontline testimonies of what God is stirring up across the globe. By international evangelist Lindy-Ann Hopley, Beautiful Witness Ministries.

Greetings and Happy New Year to all!

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I hear the Lord say that this is the year of doors opening that no man can shut! Many have gone through a deep transformation at the end of 2018 and this is leading to great transition, acceleration, and new ventures for you in 2019!

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Amen to your best year yet! Upwards and forwards!

I am beyond excited about sharing a very clear mandate that the Lord has given Beautiful Witness Ministries for 2019. Sharing a bit below. COMING SOON! Watch this space!

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Last year alone I was in 12 countries preaching the Gospel with power!

We started 2019 with a bang right here in South Africa!

Elliot 4 Jesus:

Jesus heals this man’s side effects from prostate cancer

This was a glorious miracle! The lodge owner where we stayed never attended the tent meetings, but the tent of His presence came to Him.

Must watch and share God’s goodness!

Theo still messages me regularly thanking God for his healing: “Ek is 100% genees!” — totally healed!

It was a glorious time! The first night we almost hailed out, but we pushed through! Many met Christ! Whether in the tent, out on the streets or in the township. We are God’s “tent” — where we go — He goes.

God gave me a word of knowledge for a sangoma during an outreach around town — she and her friend both got healed.

One man, in his home, who had suffered many strokes, started moving body parts he could not move before!

In the township many kids got saved and dragged their grandmas to the meeting that evening! One lady’s stomach tumour dissolved right under her hand, as we prayed! Another drove a few hours to be at our meeting — admitting she was both afraid and sceptical — with a whole list of illnesses — one being cancer. She left pain-free! Hallelujah!

Those are just a few highlights. God’s goodness abounds! The one night 13 people were instantly healed, with one prayer. They lined up in the front to share their testimonies. More praise reports kept rolling in even after we had left! Glory to God!

At the meetings a pastor from Queenstown begged I come there…

Queenstown 4 Jesus…

…followed soon after.

We had four glorious evening meetings! You can watch all of it on Facebook.

We saw many mighty miracles, glorious salvations, deliverances and Holy Spirit baptisms.

One lady got radically healed and the next night her unbelieving husband came to church with her and was the first to stand to receive Christ as Lord!

A little boy diagnosed with cerebral palsy’s skew hips, which caused a 3cm difference in the length of his legs and a club foot, was instantly healed by power of God!

One lady born with one blind eye — was blind, but then could see! “I’m seeing colour — your dress is light blue!”
Wow what a wonderful God we serve. Praise His Name!

On the last night I baptised (baptizmo = immersion) more than 26 people in the water bath. As Jesus went under so do we!

Watch the service here:

God Adventure, East London:

The battle was on in East London, as we found ourselves in a church in the middle of the red light district and drug arena. Despite the darkness, His light shines brighter.

The place was packed and many people surrendered their lives to Jesus at the altar. We experienced incredible resistance when the time for healing came, but God crashed in, nonetheless.

God prompted me to speak on not giving up, even when we don’t see the breakthrough. Little did I know that we would have to face that that evening.

We kept going after healing and there was great joy for those who got healed! One man had growths in his neck. One of the growths vanished while he was still in the audience. He came up to testify and the other one disappeared under our hands! “It’s gone!” – he exclaimed.

My favourite part of the evening was right at the end. A man without a leg, with a clearly evident broken heart and soul, rolled into church in his wheelchair. He came right up to the front, totally unfazed by what anyone would think or say.

He said to me: “I heard a voice telling me to come here and that you would give me a word”. And this I did, in faith. After a while he called me over:” I’m ready to make right with God!” We all rejoiced along with heaven!

Jesus died for the one, so should we.

“I am BW — school movement:

I also had the privilege to speak at a school renowned for trauma and brokenness. But He who is the Comforter came and brought healing. Not one didn’t give their life to Jesus and a flood of tears flowed… His love changes everything. Holy Spirit touch our children and heal our land.

On that note, I’m very excited to tell you about a dream that I had on the evening of December 30. I saw myself in a school and I saw a drama group going into the classroom. I followed straight after to share the Good News.

In short, we are going into schools to restore Godly identity. Starting in the Cape Flats areas. We already have a team set up — media, music, dance, drama — God has done it.

If you would like to partner monthly with the “I AM BW” movement, please email us at or visit us at I’m excited to share more on this in next month’s Gateway News column. Make sure not to miss it!

Until then, remember to look upwards and move forwards in this time of new ventures and adventures with God!

I declare over you again : “2019 will be your best year yet!”

Love & Fire
Evangelist Lindy-Ann

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