New York’s brand new ‘license to kill’ viable babies sparks outrage

New York (PHOTO: Christian ).

Originally published in CBN News

The shocked response has been rolling in across the nation after Democrat lawmakers in the state of New York did the unthinkable on Tuesday, legalising the abortion of unborn babies all the way up until the point of birth.

The response on has been stunning as more than a million readers simply can’t fathom why any state would allow viable babies to be killed.

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Pro-life advocates point out the law is presented under the guise of protecting women’s health, but it permits late-term abortions of unborn babies who could otherwise survive outside the womb.

News of the new law sent shockwaves through the pro-life community. Many are grieving about what it will mean for lost human lives and pointing out the sheer hypocrisies behind what the Left has just done, especially as they try to claim the moral high ground on so many other cultural issues.

The stunning developments out of New York appear to be galvanising the pro-life movement to fight abortion with renewed fervour.

Dr James Dobson is condemning the NY legislation as barbaric.

“It is not overstating the matter to say I am horrified by the New York State Senate’s vote to pass the euphemistic Reproductive Health Act (RHA). This bill is not about reproductive health at all. It is pure barbarism on a scale rarely seen since the Middle Ages,” Dobson says. “There is a battle raging for millions of lives preordained by God himself, and it is we who must stand for them so that they might have a chance at life.

Dr Jack Graham, the pastor of Prestonwood Baptist Church, says: “Those who are applauding the passage of New York’s so-dubbed Reproductive Health Act are not celebrating and promoting a step forward in women’s health rights. They are celebrating cold-blooded murder. This act is nothing short of a license to kill unborn babies, even when they could survive outside the womb.”

That this law was received with such exuberance by so many people should spur us to action, realising that it has never been more important to defend the sanctity of human life and to fight for those who cannot defend themselves, he continued.

Janet Morana, co-founder of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign and executive director of @PriestsforLife tweeted: “As a native New Yorker my heart is broken knowing precious babies can now be killed until birth for any reason. #abortion is nothing less than homicide and to expand its bloody reach on the anniversary of #RoeVWade is a disgrace. #prolife #WakeUpAmerica”

Alison H Centofante, director of strategic communications at LiveAction, writes: “NY Gov. Cuomo wants to regulate potentially poisonous chemicals in cleaning products… But champions the poisoning, dismemberment, and fatality of children in the womb during abortion.”

Conservative commentator Matt Walsh blasted the Left for its hypocrisy on the life issue saying: “Trump is literally Hitler,” they said as they celebrated the mass murder of infants.

The Susan B Anthony List has tweeted about one tragic irony behind what Gov Cuomo has just done: “How tragic: @NYGovCuomo orders World Trade Center to be lit pink to celebrate new law in New York permitting unborn babies to be killed by abortion up until birth… …while the WTC memorial below bears the names of 11 unborn children who lost their lives in the 9/11 attacks.”

And author and pro-life activist Bryan Kemper pointed out another shocking irony on Twitter: “The Horrors of Auschwitz exhibit is coming to New York to make sure people don’t forget the destruction of life, yet New York just legalized the #Abortion holocaust up to birth. Blood is flowing in our streets as we continue to snuff out life in the womb. #reverseroe #prolife


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