NIV Leadership Bible: Leading by The Book

leadershipbibleBook Review by Allan Verryne
NIV LEADERSHIP BIBLE — Zondervan Publishers 2013

I have been in active ministry for some 40 years now, and consequently I have had the privilege of owning various formats of the Bible.

It is my handbook in every sense of the word. I cannot live without God speaking to and guiding me in myriads of circumstances.

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Over the years, I have also helped to develop present and future church leaders – so the acquisition of a new NIV Leadership Bible immediately piqued my interest!

I am a “BBT” man – “Born Before Technology”, so I do enjoy having a hard copy before me.

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I do not know if this version is available in electronic format. 

  • The paperback edition looks good and feels good. If used continually, I would advise a buyer to go for a hard cover edition, if available!
  • The first information that I look for is the “Table of Contents”. Wow…that grabbed my attention! Yup…my immediate impression – I like it big-time!
  • It is great for quick, big theme information on leadership.
  • There are fifty two “home pages” – divided into main leadership headings,with sub-headings below them. All of this is in the context of Scripture.

What more could one ask for!

For example:

  1. Personal Development – character, integrity, values, etc.
  2. Relationships – Interpersonal relationships, power/influence, servant leadership, etc.
  3. Skills – Accountability, communicating vision/skills, long range planning, stewardship, stress management and team building, etc.

What is really unique about this NIV Leadership Bible, is that it can be used as a daily devotional resource. This is a real plus factor, in my opinion.

It begins with what God says in His Word about leadership. The underlying theme is that God has laid out timeless principles for leadership, which can be used by people who are in a position to lead others in business, ministry, school, or at home.

Each page includes little call out boxes with “Insights” that reinforce one’s understanding of different leadership skills.

The character profiles provide helpful and meaningful insights as to how personal attributes and decisions of Biblical characters affected their relationships with others. This resource cuts down one’s research time dramatically.

The publishers of the NIV Leadership Bible, use a catchy phrase in their promotion: “Reader to Leader in just 15 minutes a day”

 Would I recommend this Bible – yes indeed! I think that it will provide a useful addition to your leadership resource library.

One Comment

  1. Eisch Andre – you are quick on the draw bud! No sooner is the review on your desk top, & the next minute it is off! You are the right man, in the right place, at the right time! God bless you my brother! You are a star editor!

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