NMB Christians urged to join 7-day revival prayer initiative

Pastor Joan Keeling
Pastor Joan Keeling,

A seven weeks campaign of non-stop prayer for revival which began in Cape Town on September 1 is due to conclude in the Nelson Mandela Bay (NMB) on Sunday, October 19, says NMB Prayer Network Coordinator, Pastor Joan Keeling.

She urges all believers, churches and schools in NMB to participate in the 7-Days-On-the-Wall initiative from Sunday 12 October to Sunday 19 October 2014.

The  initiative was birthed on June 11 at a gathering of 120 Cape Town church leaders from 30 different church communities who felt the Lord prompting them to invite the Body of Christ in the Southern Cape Region (from Cape Town to NMB) to take hands in seeking God for a spiritual awakening.

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” To me, it is more than an initiative; it is a call by the Lord for us to intensely seek His Face,” says Keeling.

Quite a number of congregations, prayer groups and individuals have already registered in NMB, but there is still time for others to indicate their desire to participate. Schools are also being invited to come on board, she says.

Those wishing to register can do so by emailing her at joan@tcn.org.za or online at www.pechurchnet.co.za/prayer_watch.php They need to indicate the dates, days and times of their prayer slots

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Some of the ways that groups or individuals can participate are:

  • By setting up a 24/7 prayer room in your church  from October 12 to 19.
  • By individual church members praying in a chain of prayer at home during this period
  •  By congregations holding revival prayer meetings every evening of that week
  •  By choosing a day during the week – 12 October to 19 October – on which the congregation can form a chain of prayer and cry out to God for revival.
  • Schools could encourage their learners to pray together during their lunch breaks – from Monday October 13 to Friday October 17.

In a letter to NMB church leaders, Daniel Brink, Jericho Walls regional prayer coordinator in Cape Town says there has been an “unprecedented wave of 24/7 prayer for revival across the city [of Cape Town].”

 Throughout the country more than 700 churches, schools, businesses and others have participated in 7 Days on the Wall prayer initiatives focusing on prayer for revival, the unsaved and social justice, he says.

“In Cape Town alone, more than 200 groups joined this initiative during Sept/Oct last year.  And in George alone, more than 66 prayer stations took part earlier this year. As we prayed for direction, we felt to issue a call for 7 weeks of intensified prayer for revival in Cape Town, 1 Sept- 19 October 2014.”

However he says the gathering of church leaders who met in the city on June 11 heard God prompt them to include the whole area from Cape Town to NMB in “a call call to every expression of the Body of Christ across the region to organise themselves for one week during the 7 week period to pray for ‘Revival through the Southern Gate of Africa’,” Brink writes.



One Comment

  1. Been praying for revival for some time now !

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