No better hour for South Africans to unite in worship — Sean Feucht

Burn 247 founder, Sean Feucht.
Burn 24-7 founder, Sean Feucht.

[notice]Writing in his blog this week, Sean Feucht, founder of global worship, prayer and missions movement Burn 24-7, reflects on his visit to South Africa last week and the power of united worship that he witnessed here.[/notice]

There is no better hour for a unified sound of worship to rise from Southern-most tip of Africa than right now.

With the recent passing of unity-leading and national figurehead, Nelson Mandela, South Africa is now at a crucial crossroads. The trust of the masses in a mortal man to keep the tranquility between the vast ethnic diversity of the nation has now been lost. Combined with a widespread disdain for the continual corruption, intense crime and racial tension across the land, the atmosphere is increasingly unpredictable as the national election nears next month.

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Many feel riots, boycotts and a surge in tension is inevitable. With the ongoing media-frenzied murder trial involving famed Olympian “blade runner” Oscar Pistorious in Johannesburg, the eyes of the entire world are again fixed on the land and the integrity of the justice system. All of these elements combined together are causing the hearts of people to be vulnerable and receptive. They are looking, longing for steadfast hope and answers.


Upcoming Burn 24-7 events to diarise:
Cape Town
Friday May 2: 19:00 to 09:00
Worshipers will gather to Burn and declare God’s governance over SA.
At Bay Community Church, Muizenburg
See Facebook page.

Port Elizabeth
Tuesday, May 6: 19:00 to Wednesday, May 7 19:00
Election Day Prayer and Worship: 24 hours
At Walmer West Primary School, William Moffett Expressway.
See Facebook page.

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On the crazy 40 something hour journey down to South Africa early last week, the Spirit kept impressing upon me the verse out of Hosea 2:15 which has become a theme for my few days on the ground here.

“There I will give her back her vineyards, and I will make the valley of Achor a door of hope, There she will sing as in the days of her youth.”

I believe this is the church’s greatest hour, for her steadfastness always shines in the darkest and most unsettling days.

Rainbow Nation
Upon my first few trips to this beautiful nation, I realized there was a unique and powerful reality when the various ethnic groups gathered together to worship, pray and seek the face of God. Although this is apparently rare, the moment we began mobilizing worshippers from Cape Town to Port Elizabeth to Johannesburg, we found an incredible grace in hosting hours and hours mingling all three major races (blacks, whites and colored) in one spiked worship cocktail! When those songs, prayers and hearts would merge, it was almost as if heaven would instantly invade the rooms, sanctuaries, school halls and the kiss of God was upon the gathering!

I have never felt anything like it in any other nation I have been in! Unity is a powerful force here and a key answer to every crisis that lurks in the shadows seeking to separate and divide the people. Perhaps this is why the enemy has been working with divisive and hate-filled schemes for decades and generations to break up those whom God has beautifully placed together. This is why South Africa is affectionately and prophetically called the RAINBOW NATION! (see more on this –

It has seemed that unusual doors of favor have swung wide open for me to personally implant the DNA of this grassroots worship, prayer and missions movement over the years into various groups. I have had the privilege to preach and impart in large and well-known ministries outside the typical white churches. It has been so much fun as very close friends, musicians and allies of Day and Night worship have emerged!

The presence of God is the great equalizer, lowest common denominator and language in the spirit that all tribes fluently speak! We find our home together as we dwell in His house!

“LORD, I love the house where you live, the place where your glory dwells.” — Psalm 26:8

Momentum of unity
There is a profound unity movement spreading across South Africa like I have never seen in my numerous trips from the past five years. These legendary Burn 24-7 leaders are massive contributors and paving they way for a unified sound to rise.

This past week, we gathered multitudes from all different races across Port Elizabeth and Johannesburg over the Easter weekend. What an incredible time to celebrate this Man, this freedom and this hope for Unity!

In response to the cry of Jesus’s last words to “become one” as He and the Father are one in John 17:21, we drew near to Him this weekend. 44 hours of beautiful songs, melodies, prayers filled the atmosphere over Johannesburg and the grace, ease and oil of unity flowed almost effortlessly. Every hour, it continued to get better and better, richer and richer, deeper and deeper. As the days merged to nights merged back to days again, we experienced the sticky, smelly and all consuming oil of unity from the Psalm 133 reality.

These are great days for the nation of South Africa and worship is uniting a nation to usher her into the brightest days ahead!

“How good and pleasant it is
when God’s people live together in unity!
It is like precious oil poured on the head,
running down on the beard,
running down on Aaron’s beard,
down on the collar of his robe.
It is as if the dew of Hermon
were falling on Mount Zion.
For there the Lord bestows his blessing,
even life forevermore.”
— Psalm 133


  1. Pingback: No better hour for South Africans to unite in worship — Sean Feucht - News Watch

  2. Stuart Wragg

    I’m a bit late in reading this particular edition but how I get excited when hearing the word “Unity” spoken in reference to God’s people in our beloved country. How I know, without doubt, that our lord and Saviour is already at work in our beautiful land amongst his wonderful people in order for His glory to shine as a light of hope to His continent.

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