Northern Cape Mighty Men Conference testimony to God’s goodness

Angus Buchan preaching at NCMMC 2017.
Special report on last weekend’s NC MMC by the event host Riaan Janse van Vuuren

The 2017 Northern Cape Mighty Men Conference (NCMMC) took place on the farm Seduan in the Modder River district, 40 km south of Kimberley on the N12 route. The area is well-known for the battle routes visited by thousands of tourists every year.

Early in 2017 the owner of Seduan, Adriaan Naude, made his farm available to host the NCMMC. The planning committee went into ‘full-drive mode’ and soon realised that this would be a successful event. A decision was taken not to ask any registration fees and to allow men to attend the NCMMC for free. Soon farmers and businessmen from the surrounding area and Kimberley came together to assist with either manpower, resources or finances. Generators, the stage, mobile toilets and several other items were sponsored. Men came forward to help as ushers and assisting with the setup of the tents, temporary structures and other infrastructure.

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The speakers were chosen after much prayer and consideration. Pastor Louis Els from Victory Church in Jeffreys Bay opened the NCMMC with a powerful word followed by more than half the men making a dedication to serve the Lord. Immediately men asked to be baptised, and on the Saturday afternoon we baptised 13 men in the Riet River, flowing next to the stage. Saturday morning Past Afrika Mhlophe ministered God’s Word and the evening was a testimony evening facilitated by Dewald Gouws, who also led the praise and worship. Sunday morning Uncle Angus Buchan ministered to a crowd of approximately 3 500 people. Nearly all responded to the Word and Uncle Angus prayed for some children after the service.

Men responding to Pastor Louis Els’s message at NCMMC 2017.

Some testimonies received so far:

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  • On Friday morning a man reported to the operational centre that he is willing to work during the weekend. On Friday night God had an appointment with him and he was baptised on Saturday. This young man has got a servant’s heart and I know God will use him for His glory in the future;
  • A man phoned me and said that Dewald prayed for a family friend who was diagnosed with cancer. On Monday she underwent further tests and the doctors declared her cancer-free;
  • A farmer came to me and said that his workers, who attended the NC MMC, are new men and during Monday morning’s devotional time on the farm, they could not stop testifying of what the Lord had done;
  • A man driving from Pretoria said “I had to be there. God answered me”;
  • Every person on the committee agreed that God had a special word for them;
  • The electrician testified that the generator (3-phase) ran the entire weekend and did not use diesel;
  • No injuries were reported;
  • God is the weatherman! The weather services predicted stormy weather, and God changed it to beautiful sunny days and cool evenings.

Glory to God for His grace and mercy. He has touched us and we are filled with joy!

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One Comment

  1. Glory to God in the highest…

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