Now says Naked News was “mistake”

[notice]Advertiser reviewing campaign over “explicit programming”[/notice]

In a remarkable about-turn on the controversial Naked News programme, an representative  says the show contradicts the station’s “high family values” and was screened by “mistake”.

The apparent change of heart follows an advertiser giving notice that it might stop advertising on becuse of its “explicit programming”.

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A national switch-off campaign was launched in early May after dismissed Christian viewers’ complaints that Naked News degraded women and was harmful to children. The show features naked female news presenters.

In a letter to a media agency following the advertiser’s notice that it was considering withdrawing its July/August advertising campaign, an account executive says that the station has “pulled” Naked News “due to its content being in contradiction to our policies”.

She says Naked News was funded and supplied complete by a client.

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“Unfortunately at the time this AFP was signed, we did not realise the full negative impact, but we have pulled it as a result. We really do value the business entrusted to us by [the  advertiser], we are devastated that our mistake in allowing this one programme to slip through has caused damage to our reputation as a family channel and threatened our relationship with your client,” she says.

She says that has not screened adult shows since August 2010 because of a decision to realign the channel with high family values.

Family Policy Institute director Errol Naidoo who launched the national switch-off campaign says: “I am not convinced by’s sudden family-friendly about turn. This is obviously a desperate attempt to retain their advertisers and more significantly – exposes the channel’s Achilles heel.”

Writing in a newsletter titled “The Two Faces of” he dismisses the channel’s claim in its letter to to the media agency, that it is committed to a “pro-family” programming schedule.

“Nothing can be further from the truth! has deservedly earned the reputation of a ‘tacky’ and ‘sleazy’  broadcaster – even from liberals. In fact, the channel has consistently been anti-family,” says Naidoo.

In contrast to the recent letter which says that Naked News was a “mistake”, has previously defended the programme on a number of fronts.  In a standard response letter sent to many people who complained about the programme, said the constitution allowed freedom of choice to adults and that was exercising its right of freedom of expression.  In an news bulletin following public protest marches to studios in Cape Town and Johannesburg, said the protests emanated from a small group of religious fundamentalists. Last week the Broadcasting Complaints Commission of South Africa ruled that Naked News did not contravene the Broadcasting Code. In his judgment, the BCCSA tribunal chairperson Professor Kobus van Rooyen SC said that had argued that the Broadcasting Code clearly permits it to broadcast this kind of “lampoon” material at that time of the night.

Gateway News has emailed questions to in which we ask whether the apparent turnaround on Naked News is official policy, and whether also intends to stop explicit advertisements such as its “sms PORN” campaign. has not responded.



  1. “Unfortunately at the time this AFP was signed, we did not realise the full negative impact, but we have pulled it as a result. We really do value the business entrusted to us by [the advertiser], we are devastated that our mistake in allowing this one programme to slip through has caused damage to our reputation as a family channel and threatened our relationship with your client,” she says.
    WHAT A LOAD OF RUBBISH, it did NOT slip through, not after they defended it and blamed it on a sponsored broadcast. Yeah right, well guess what, I will continue to boycott them.

  2. Lafras Moolman

    amen to the fact that E TV has decided to pull naked from it’s programming. thannk u Jesus and thanks to all thosr who prayed about this and took action against this

  3. Elsje Massyn

    I thank my Father in Heaven and Saviour who through the prayers of the righteous believers shows that HE always has the last say!! Thank you ERROL for the good fight and GOODBYE to E-TV you have showed your true colours – we will NEVER watch any programme on your channel again, you have signed your own fate!!

  4. eTV, Sex sells you know it, now that advertisers pull away … means less profit, now, a spin on Family values. Rubbish.

  5. Father help us continue to be SALT & LIGHT in this polluted world. If the “fundamentalists” are blamed, I’m happy to be one.

  6. Praise His Name!

  7. Darrell Strydom

    I commend the advertiser for its no-nonsense approach and principled stance in this matter. E-tv’s turn-a-round was the right thing to do however their bona fides is in doubt. I suspect it’s more a case of avoiding a loss of revenue. Shamefull !

  8. Lyn Houughton

    Thankyou Jesus you are LORD , PRAISE BE TO YOU & YOUR WONDERFUL NAME

  9. Trevor Jennings

    Well done guys. Working together and using social media effectively we are going to bring about huge change in our country.

  10. Marita Te Roller

    This is proof of “taking back” what belongs to our society…DECENCY and MORALS! Let us not stop now, but continue to get all forms of pornography and prostitution banned from our society, because it serves one purpose only…destruction. Thankyou to all who are working towards the same goal!

  11. Albin Ballin

    Contradiction in terms :Pray for these blind idiots.
    Well done Errol.

  12. As Christ serving Christians we need to have a voice – and it seems like it has been heard ! But the onslaught is still on …. we have to stand together !

  13. Freedom of choice – the enemie’s tool to destroy people. “Lead us not in temptation but deliver us from evil.” Let us not become slack in our prayers. Our struggle is not againts people but against the evil spirits who infiltrates all the various sectors in the media especialy the TV, the internet, mobile phones, etc.

  14. I created the above logo for the exclusive use of the following page: and the following Petition: – To say that I am slightly shocked that a Christian media platform such as this can use the image without giving credit or looking for permission from the interlectual property owner (me) would be an understatement.
    To change the posting of this image from theft to fair use I insist that this comment gets published – as is – so that the due credit can be recorded here:
    Owner of Logo: Assist – Designer: Mark Morcom

    • Hi Mark. I trust that Rene received my email on the 6th of July in response to her complaint of the same date about my use of this image. I do apologise for not requesting your permission to use it.

  15. Honestly guys, to those who are talking about christianity, don’t think that you are alone on earth, don’t blame, coz before to broadcast adult material, the chanel makes you aware of it, if you are christian go sleep or else change the chanel coz i’m gonna launch adult show as it’s late. For those who’s talking about harmfull for children, i’ve never seen a children watching tv at 00h/1h, if so, that children is not a children, and the parents are bad! parents. If you don’t eat meat, don’t build your house near to a cheeza nyama. No sense

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