Only the Gospel of Christ can change the world

Saved at 17, Pastor Gerald Mwebe and his wife Diana are parents to four girls (Courtesy Photo)

Originally published in UG Christian News

Gerald Mwebe, the founder and Senior Pastor of Streams of Life Church in Kampala has taught that only one message saves sinners and brings them safely into the presence of God: the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Through his sermon series ‘Preach Christ and Build His Church,’ Pastor Gerald explained that “you cannot change yourself except Christ changes you”.

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He added that there is no kind of police or system that can transform a person from their worst behaviour to their best. “Only Christ can do this,” he emphasised.

“Great governments have come and gone, powerful revolutionists and reformists have also come and still left the world with even more problems than they found,” Pastor Gerald said.

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“The Gospel is the very wisdom of God. Politics doesn’t change a country, economic revolutions are neither the solution to poverty, even the Bible says: ‘It’s God that gives the power to make wealth.’

“The answer to every world problem is Jesus. We have the solution, we have Jesus, let’s share Him to the hurting world, let’s preach Christ,” the preacher continued.

“If in the midst of economic challenges, political turmoil and all other world challenges, Christ says: ‘Go and preach’, it’s because He knows the solution to all these problems is the Gospel. Before you run off to do all these other things, first obey the call with all diligence,” he said.

Moving on, Pastor Gerald stated that the world has only one problem: it’s the sin problem.

“Every evil, every crime, starts with people having sinful hearts. There is only one prescription for this problem and it’s Jesus. When you look at the corruption everywhere, the murder, terrorism, war, people doing all sorts of crazy things, all these are masterminded by sin in people’s hearts,” he said.

“It’s sin that makes a doctor steal drugs from a hospital, it’s sin that causes a man to stab another to death, it’s sin that makes a person steal money intended to help other people, it’s sin that takes a father into alcoholism and ruins families leaving many kids homeless. With sin in people’s hearts, the world will still suffer with all kinds of crime. The more we preach Christ, the more people receive Him and receive freedom from sin,” he said.

One Comment

  1. Hugh G Wetmore

    There was once a nation which God chose for Himself. God wrote its Constitution. God appointed its leaders. It had everything going for it, to become the perfect example of a changed nation, which the evil sinful world could admire. God sent His Son, as a citizen of that nation.

    But that nation crucified God’s Son. It squandered every righteous advantage which God in His grace had conferred on it.

    Yet God in His mercy, calls people out of this fallen, sinful world, and makes them His own (Acs 15:14). And even some of these fall away (Hebrews 6:6). Only those who stand firm to the end are ultimately saved (Matthew 24:13)

    So to expect “the Gospel of Christ to change the world” is to expect something Jesus said would not happen (Matthew 7:13,14).

    We must preach the Gospel, and endorse it by our own faithful lives, so that as many as possible hear, repent and believe
    into Jesus Christ … and be saved (Acts 20:21).

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