‘Ouma who swallowed the Bible’ releases prophetic word from Namibia

‘Ouma’ Geraldine du Toit

During a current road trip with God in Namibia Julita Kok was invited to Walvis Bay to spend three days with ‘Ouma’ (Grandmother) Geraldine du Toit, 94, who said they had some work to do. The message below was conveyed to Julita by the elderly prophetess who she met for the first time

In Namibia, Southern Africa, there is a 94-year-old lady who is truly a legend, not only in the Christian world but to all in the nation of Namibia. She is known as “the lady who swallowed the Bible” as she can recite nearly the whole Bible. She has memorised nearly all the Scriptures and, at 94, her brain is as sharp as that of a child. She has served God nearly all her life and has a final assignment from God to the nations. She believes that as she delivers this final message, God will make haste to come and take her home as is her desire.

She does not compromise on obedience and everything is done according to the Scriptures, and this message is no different. As I sat with her to receive the message, she gave me one Scripture after the other without once opening her Bible. She continually instructed me to read the quoted Scriptures to ensure they were true and correct. Not once did she make a mistake, either with the chapter or verse, or with her recitation of the Scriptures. Truly amazing and evident that the Word of God is engraved on the tablet of her heart and without a doubt is her daily bread. She also believes in receiving three confirmations on what she receives before releasing what she receives from God.

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During my time with Ouma Geraldine at her home in Walvis Bay, she shared a message with me for the nations of the world, as well as specific messages for Israel and for Namibia. God confirmed the timing and the urgency of messages to her through Scripture, via Esther 8:5-17. She told me that God said her messages must be released on the 23rd of March 2021, it must go out quickly via satellite (internet of course) and that the arrows of this message will not miss its target. God will also seal this message with His Kingly ring and no one can revoke what the King has sealed, she said. I would therefore appreciate it if, after exercising your own discernment, you would consider forwarding this message to all of your networks worldwide.

I had never met Ouma Geraldine before, but after spending a few days with her to capture what she is releasing, I can say that she has truly impacted my life beyond measure.

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Ouma Geraldine says that she has waited more than 40 years to deliver this message and finally the time has arrived. It was not for before, but for such a time as this. This is the time for the nations to believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ as there will be a final shaking. Time is running out. This is also the time where the Ecclesia will rise and take their rightful place in this earth.

Here are the messages as I have received them from Ouma Geraldine:

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The Lord says to the NATIONS:

“I am letting down my scarlet cord so that all the nations can lay hold of my lifeline. Once more I am shaking the heavens and the earth and the sea and the dry land, and I will shake ALL nations. To the nations who will answer MY call and lay hold of MY lifeline, I shall fill them with glory and give them peace. I will establish MY Kingdom which is everlasting. There is no end. It shall not pass away.

“Make haste to answer this final call! There will be a very clear separation between the sheep nations and the goat nations, clear for all to see. Jesus is preparing His bride and like in the days of Esther, she will receive gifts in accordance with the resources of the King.

“To all the nations then, ‘the time is fulfilled and the Kingdom of God is at hand: repent and believe the Gospel.‘ — Mark 1: 15 ‘Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of Man will come.‘ — Matthew 25:13 Now is the time Daniel spoke of when the Ancient of Days will come and judgement will be given to the saints of the most high; and the time has come that the saints will possess the Kingdom.

“Therefore make haste to lay hold of My scarlet cord, My lifeline to you. Again I say, I will shake ALL nations and My Kingdom WILL be established.

“The Bride is standing with one foot on the sea and one foot on the land. She lives in two worlds simultaneously, the Spirit world and the natural world, but now is the time that she must bring heaven down to earth. She must implement the principles of righteousness and justice and put it in the worldly system so that the system can be convicted and in the conviction, the people will make their own choices to determine their own destinies. ‘The time is fulfilled and the Kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye and believe the gospel.’ — Mark 1:15. Repentance is the key to restoration. This word is for all the nations. All nations will be judged the same as God is a righteous God.

“The time fulfilled refers to Isaiah 8 and 9:2. “The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light: they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined.’ This means that The Light will penetrate the darkness right now and you O nation, have the opportunity to choose to believe the Gospel. Once you have received the message of the Gospel, it is your choice to believe it or not.

“Now is also the time of Zechariah 4:3. ‘and two olive trees by it, one upon the right side of the bowl, and the other upon the left side thereof.” This is the time where Jew and Gentile will come together, not by might, nor by power, but by the Spirit of the Lord. God is bringing Jew and Gentile together to bridge the gap between the nations. When this happens, the nations will come in.

“This is what Jesus is saying to the Father right now: ‘I ask for all the nations; I call them by name. I present them to You, Father as I remind You of My blood on the cross.’ Jesus Himself is pleading for the nations.
Make haste, make haste, make haste! ‘…There will be no more delay. When the seventh angel blows his trumpet, God’s mysterious plan will be fulfilled. It will happen just as He announced it to His servants the prophets.’ — Revelation 10: 6, 7

“’The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye and believe the gospel.‘ — Mark 1:15

Listen Oh ISRAEL to what the Lord says……

“’Happy and blessed are you O Israel; who is like you, a people saved by the Lord, the Shield of your help and the Sword of your majesty! Your enemies will cringe before you and you will tread on their high places.’ — Deuteronomy 33:29

“‘The Lord has taken you and brought you out of the iron furnace to be a people for His own possession. The Lord went forth for the salvation and rescue of His people. With the enemy’s own spears, He pierced the head of the hordes and trampled on the sea with His horses, on the surge of many waters.‘ — Habakkuk 3: 13-15

“‘For the Lord will vindicate His people, and will have compassion on His servants when He sees that their strength is gone and none remains, whether bond or free. And He will say, ‘where are their gods, the rock in which they took refuge? Who ate the fat of their sacrifices and drank the wine of their drink offering? Let them rise up and help you, let them be your hiding place! See now that I, I am He and there is no god besides Me; It is I who put to death and I who give life. I have wounded and it is I who heal, and there is no one who can deliver from the power of My hand. Indeed I lift up My hand to heaven and say, as I live forever, If I sharpen the lightning of My sword, and My hand takes hold of judgement, I will render vengeance on My adversaries and I will repay those who hate Me. I will make arrows drunk with blood and My sword will devour flesh with the blood of the slain and the captives, from the heads of the leaders of the enemy. Rejoice, O nations with His people; for He will avenge the blood of His servants, and will render vengeance on His adversaries, and will atone for His land and His people.’” — — Deuteronomy 32: 36-43

NAMIBIA, the Lord says…

“The Namibian Constitution states that the Republic of Namibia is a ‘sovereign, secular, democratic and unitary’ state. God says: ‘I will not save a secular nation!’ In March 2020, a petition was brought to the Supreme Court of Heaven and Namibia’s Constitution was rewritten in the heavenlies, declaring Namibia as ‘One nation under God!!’

“’Master, where are You staying? He said to them, “COME AND YOU WILL SEE.‘ — John 1: 38, 39″

“Namibia is reminded of Genesis 26 where the Lord blessed Isaac abundantly and the Philistines envied him. The wells which his father’s servants had dug in the days of Abraham had been stopped and filled with earth by the Philistines. Verse 22 says: ‘and he (Isaac) left there and dug another well, but this time they didn’t argue about it, so he named it Rehoboth and said, “Now the Lord has made an open space (room) for us and has made us fertile in the land.”

“Namibia is an ancient well that God wants to open up. Scripture says it will be closed up until the end, but now is the appointed time that God wants to open it up. Here in the desert is an ancient well that has Living Water in it. All who drink of this water will have everlasting life. There are different functions in the Body, but now is the time for the Body to embark on the ministry of the Spirit. As the body has different functions, it is ONE and the SAME Spirit and now the Body must move as one in the same Spirit and that is the Holy Spirit. This unity is a requirement for the endorsement of the King.

“Namibia is chosen by God to be a light in the darkness as Namibia is a gentile nation. (again referring to Isaiah 8 and Matthew 4). ‘Repent : for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ Namibia needs to bring heaven down to earth right now so that the Light can be shown on all the nations. God wants to use Namibia (its people) to shine a Light upon the nations. The nations will come and draw from Namibia as it has the well with Living Water in it.

Now is the appointed time that is spoken of in Revelation to come into the fullness of what Jesus did on the cross. It is all about what happened on the cross. The fullness of Christ is now available to those who choose to receive it. Our spirits need to be in tuned with God’s prophetic clock. We are now living in a time of the fulfilment of the prophesies of the Word. We are part of the remnant of whom the Lord has called for such a time as this. A time where the sons of God will be made known, but we need to move as one body. There is a corporate anointing that will be released during this time when the body functions as one and this will bring in the nations.

Namibia is chosen by God to play a crucial part in bringing in the nations to establish the Bride.

Julita Kok can be contacted at julita@nuelight.co.za

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  1. Thank you for telling us what we need to hear. You woken my spirit. May God raise up more people who proclaim His Word in truth and in Spirit.

    • Hallelujah
      Altyd geweet dat Namibia ook spesiaal is vir Jesus, net soos Suid Afrika. Vader seen u my taniekie.


  3. Thank you for your timely and encouraging word.

  4. Thank you for your timely and encouraging prophetic word.

  5. What a word , it brought out so much courage , strength . Spirit filled conversation right there .

  6. Wow what a Powerful prophetic message, Thank you Ouma

  7. Thank God for His word thru you may God bless you

  8. May God keep ouma Geraldine strong and continue to protect her. It is indeed a Now word, thank you Jesus!!!

  9. Time is now, we should repent … this touch my heart

  10. Elshadea Tjombe

    Profound and Powerfull UtteranceLord,may give er to hat he Spirit is saying?

  11. Rosy Coetzee,Walvisbay

    Amen!!!!! God help us to grab this word,Lord make us obiedent,we need to set the captives free!!!!

  12. Amen en Amen ??Glory be to the most High

  13. Edith sheida christell Dennis

    This touched me a lot..

  14. This message touched my heart…
    Namibia is on God’s mind .
    He came from heaven to earth to show the way!


  16. Hugh G Wetmore

    The call to “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand, repent and believe the Gospel” ” is not a new message, no new “release’ – it has been true from early days, since Jesus first issued the call at the commencement of His public ministry (Mark 1:15). This same message must go out in every generation. Thankyou, Ouma, for sending it out afresh in ours. As for the Message to Israel, the verses selected from Deuteronomy 32,33 etc promising protection and blessing can be matched by opposite Messages from Jeremiah 12:7-13 etc promising the curses from Deuteronomy 28: 15-68. Let us all pray earnestly that Israel will repent from its current godless secular state to godly righteousness and faith in Yeshua. Any nation that “implements the principles of righteousness and justice” WILL prosper for God has built these principles, together with kindness and humility, into His recipe for national prosperity (Jeremiah 9:23,24). Thankyou, Ouma for drawing these profound truths to our attention! But national prosperity does not mean eternal salvation – for this is in Jesus alone (Acts 4:12)

  17. What more can we say God of Abraham jacob n Isaac has spoken time to repent n worship in truth n spirit n play our part in spreading the living word the end is very near the coming of master Jesus is near

  18. thank you for this message lord help us to be obedient .

  19. Amen amen

  20. Lord have merci on us

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