Our big God adventure: episode 17 – “… and you will dream dreams and see visions (part 2)

Lydia making earrings with her son, Timothy to encourage her

Lydia Venter continues her testimony from the mission field in Kenya of what can happen when God’s people act on dreams He gives them

In the previous episode I shared how menopause affected my sleep and the manner in which the Lord woke me one night, showing me the exact process for making plastic bricks. I’m not sure if Jesus thought that I needed extra encouragement during that specific season of my life, but in that very same year of 2012, the Lord blessed me yet again with a revelation that would eventually change the future of our ministry.

I never saw myself as an arty or crafty kind of person. Sure, I loved colouring as a youngster, but after school I never really engaged in anything artistically, except for maybe doing some simple crafts with my children. 

YASHA Hope Centre boys helping to flatten bottle caps

One night, after sleeping for a couple of hours, I found myself wide awake around 2am. I again felt as if an entire process had been downloaded in my mind. I couldn’t wait for morning to not only share with my family and staff what the Lord had taught me, but I was excited to go to town and look for hooks and beads so I could make the first pair of earrings. And not just any earrings … earrings made from bottle caps from soda bottles. Not a concept that I’d ever thought about and – as a matter of fact – when I searched the internet, I couldn’t find a single example of flat bottle cap earrings. Pictures of bottle cap earrings in their original shape, yes, but not at all in the form God had shown me.

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Before leaving for town, we made sure we got some bottle tops which I asked my husband Wilco to flatten with a hammer. I had no idea how it would eventually come out, and seriously, the first pair of earrings we made were indeed UGLY!! But I knew that Abba had spoken. I was treading on holy ground. Isn’t it amazing how the Lord uses practical stuff to bring glory to Himself?

Marion painting earrings

I love this verse in Exodus 35:31 — And He has filled him with the Spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding and in knowledge and in all craftsmanship.

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We often think of gifts as only spiritual gifts, and of course 1 Cor 12 and other portions in the Word is clear on its importance to serve the Body of Christ. But practical gifts have their place in this practical world of ours, and – if we allow Holy Spirit – He will often use them to point to deeper spiritual truths.

2 Pet 1:3 — His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. I’ve come to learn that there is no difference between sacred and secular, but that Christ is all and in all’ (Col 3:11).

Bottle cap earrings packed and ready to be sold

We have literally made hundreds of pairs of earrings over the years and many people got empowered by learning how to make them. Every set is totally unique and we’ve lost track of how many have been sold overseas. The profit that was made (and that we’re still making) has helped many vulnerable people. We thank God for speaking to us and for giving gifts to (ordinary) men, like us. (Eph 4:11)

Receive by faith what He wants to give you. It will ultimately change you, but more importantly, it will bring glory to our King.


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