Our big God adventure: episode 22 – What the enemy intended for evil, God mightily used for His glory

Bishop Joseph Korir, Woleman Mission International, Kericho

Another inspiring testimony from missionary Lydia Venter about adventures with God in Kenya

Over the years we have often been invited to minister in churches and conference.s In June, 2003, Pastor Korir from Woleman Ministries invited me to speak at a Women’s Conference at their church in Kericho. I gladly accepted and asked a friend from the Njoro Bible College, Susan Owade, to accompany me and our 3-month-old baby boy, Timothy, to this beautiful town with its large tea plantations, located in the highlands west of the Kenyan Rift Valley.

It was cold, wet and dark when we arrived at the church’s guesthouse where we were to stay during our time in Kericho. After supper, we retired to bed in order to be fresh for the next day’s sessions. The hostess brought a “jiko” (small charcoal stove) to our room as it was really cold. I had noticed that the air vents in the walls were covered by plastic. I had no knowledge of these gadgets, but somehow, I totally felt uncomfortable in my spirit. I have no idea why Susan kept quiet about the possible dangers of carbon dioxide poisoning.

Woleman Mission Conference, June 2003

I placed Timothy in his carry cot next to my bed. He was in a good feeding routine with 4-hour intervals in between feeds. That night I couldn’t sleep. I felt this huge oppression and rambled in the spirit while crawling on the floor — looking for air. Timothy refused to take his bottle and released a few single, sharp screams during the course of the night. I knew without a shadow of a doubt, that Satan wanted to kill us.

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When morning broke, I finally got the savvy to open the door. As fresh air streamed into the room that I’d shared with Susan and my baby, I felt a severe and blinding pain in my head. It was during that time that Susan stumbled out of the bed, and as she reached the door she fainted.

This somehow woke our hostess, who then helped both me and Susan back into bed. She contacted Bishop Korir and he and a colleague arrived shortly to come and pray for us. Although everything in me screamed that I couldn’t possibly minister at the conference that morning, I clearly felt the unction of Holy Spirit to get up, by faith, and accompany the men, together with Baby Tim, to the venue. Susan decided to stay in bed and surely, who could blame her.

Wilco and baby Timothy

Up to this day I have no idea what I ministered on. All I remember was the sharp headache forcing me to pause every now and again, while silently crying out to God for help. At some point I felt the Lord directing me to ask everyone desiring the baptism of the Holy Spirit, to stand. Three quarters of the ladies got up. I knew I had no strength left to pray for them. As I stretched out my hand towards the congregation, a physical wind blew over the crowd, causing each person standing to fall in the Spirit while tongues could be heard coming from each corner of the building. It was like watching a movie in slow motion.

Acts 2:2-4 – And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

Another brilliant example of how God’s sufficient grace was perfected in my weakness. I will surely boast all the more gladly in my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest on me. — 2 Cor 12:19

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