Our big God adventure: episode 23 – God intervening by showing us great and mighty things we do not know: Part 1

Wilco Venter at Kloof Gold Mine in the 90s

Veteran missionary Lydia Venter shares testimonies on God’s wisdom saving the day

“And in all matters of wisdom and understanding, that the king enquired of them, he found them (Daniel and his friends) 10 times better than all the magicians and astrologers that were in all his realm.” — Daniel 1:20

Over the years of serving in the Kingdom of God, we have come to learn and understand that it’s purely God’s wisdom and favour that makes the difference in our lives. Christ dwells IN us, and because of that, every gift and resource in heaven have been made available to us. 

I remember one incident in the 90s when Wilco, my husband, was still working at Kloof Gold Mine (now called Sibanye Kloof Gold Mine) where they were working underground on a rock winder machine that had been out of order for several days, costing the mine millions of rands. On this particular day Wilco (who was the electrician at the time), his foreman, the engineer and two other engineers from neighbouring mines, were putting their heads together on how to fix this machine. They had tried almost everything already with no success!

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We had just finished reading the book by Harold Hill on How to Live like a Kings Kid, and Wilco remembered an occasion when Harold was in an airplane that had difficulty landing. As Harold was praying, the Lord showed him the hydraulic oil leak preventing the landing gear wheels from deploying. Brother Hill took authority over the situation and, as he was praying, he saw – as on a huge TV screen – the oil levels increasing until suddenly, the pilot announced that they were about to land.

Wilco was sitting underground, pondering on the challenge at hand, when Abba suddenly reminded him of this testimony. He decided that, if God could do it for Harold Hill, He could also do it for them, and so he asked the Lord to supernaturally show him the problem on the Rock Winding Machine. He said the most amazing thing then happened! He immediately saw – as on a TV screen – a small LED indication light on the dash creating a short that kept on tripping the main switch on the motor. Wilco apparently jumped up, walked to the machine and confidently told the engineering team that he knew exactly where the problem was. Within minutes the issue was resolved.

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If God – according to Psalm 147:4-5, determined the number of the stars and had given them names, and is living on the inside of us through His Holy Spirit, is He not perfectly able to also show His children things hidden to mankind? The Psalmist concludes: “Great is our Lord, and abundant in power; His understanding is beyond measure.”

May I add that Wilco was also given a significant bonus for this wisdom and insight given to him by our Father. Praise the Lord!

How many times do we find ourselves in a predicament, not knowing what to do or how to deal with the challenge at hand? And really, how often do we either give up or struggle on in misery, instead of asking the King of kings and the Lord of lords for His insight and help? In Matthew 22:29 Jesus spoke to the Sadducees telling them their mistake. ? “You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God.” Ouch!

A 1997 photo of Lydia with her friend Anja and daughters, from the left, Joy and Maki

While now sharing about my hubby, I recall another instance where the Lord had used him mightily in a situation in which I was involved. One evening around 1997, I was out for a meal with a lady called Anja from the welfare department in Randfontein. By the time we were done, it was already late at night and I remember I had to stop at an ATM in Westonaria to withdraw money. On arrival we saw a vehicle with three or four men inside. Immediately I knew they were up to no good. The place was deserted and – feeling a strong sense of insecurity – I had to make a decision on whether to draw money or not. We were about 10km out of town, and so I knew it would cost us money to go all the way to town, just to draw money. I silently prayed before getting out of the vehicle and into the small cubicle where the ATM machines were. With hands shaking and my heart pounding hard, I literally couldn’t finish the transaction quickly enough!

On arrival, as Wilco opened our front door, his first question was: “Are you guys okay?” He then told us that he had fallen asleep on the bed, when suddenly the Lord woke him, urging him to pray for our safety. Hallelujah!!

The Lord is my strength, the reason for my song, because He has saved me. I praise and honor the Lord – He is my God and the God of my ancestors.” — Exodus 15:2

Next time I will share more amazing testimonies of how the Lord has miraculously intervened by showing us great and mighty things we did not know, thus saving the day.

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  1. Wow Merciful and wonderful Lord and Heavenly Father! Praise His Name!

  2. Thank you – ” The Psalmist concludes: “Great is our Lord, and abundant in power; His understanding is beyond measure.”

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