Our true rest — Vivienne Solomons

I think for most of us, when we think of “rest” what often comes to mind is some form of vacation or breakaway from the routines and responsibilities of everyday life. As this year draws to a close, I for one am looking forward to the extended break over the festive season. 

Rightly or wrongly, our modern everyday lives are busier than ever, leaving us with less time to rest from our labours, with many of us waiting (or having to wait) until the longer summer holiday to take a break from it all.

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Yet as many of you will know, a change of location and or physical rest is not enough. Sometimes I return from a holiday only to feel just as exhausted as when I left – who can relate? This is because we need spiritual rest from the challenges we encounter in our daily lives, not just physical rest. 

Indeed, our Creator created us with rest in mind, knowing that it is important for us to rest and be restored in every respect on a regular basis – body, soul and spirit. I have come to learn over the years that spiritual rest is true rest, and other types of rest cannot replace it but only flow from it.

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So what is true rest? Or perhaps, another way to ask the same question is to ask, who is true rest?

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God instituted the first sabbath before Adam and Eve ate the fruit in the garden. It was an instruction meant for their good, to recharge and restore them after a week of labour but over time, it became so burdened by a set of rules dictating every movement and behaviour of the people of God that its original intent was lost. 

Enter Jesus, the Son of God, who was an atonement for our transgressions and became our sabbath rest – every day of the week. So, when we find Christ, we find true rest for our weary souls. Rest from the cares of this world, rest from our anxieties and fears, our hurts and disappointments. 

In Matthew 11:28 we read: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

He is our true rest. Not just on a Sunday but every day of the week. Any time of the day or night.

As we enter into the festive season, and we look forward to time with family and friends, perhaps a breakaway or a change of scenery – wherever we are and whatever we are doing, may we remember the reason for the season is Jesus, and in Him find true rest from the year’s labours.  

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