Other News

Court cases, confusion over health regulations

On May 4 the minister of health, Dr Joe Paahla published new “interim” health regulations that look a lot like the old state-of-disaster regulations and also extended the time period for public comment on draft “permanent” health regulations. He also said he was extending the time for public comments on […]

Church repents of antisemitism

Possibly among the most significant events in church history was witnessed in an English cathedral on Sunday May 8th. The Church of England chose to mark the 800th anniversary of the notorious Synod of Oxford with a strongly Hebraic service of repentance for historic anti-Semitism. And it took place, appropriately, […]

Bishops called to repent after Australian synod defeats same-sex marriage motion

Originally published in Church Times The Australian General Synod of the Anglican Church, meeting in Queensland, has failed to pass a formal statement brought by the diocese of Sydney, which sought to declare that both same-sex marriage and same-sex marriage blessings were contrary “to the teaching of Christ and the faith, ritual, […]