Originally published in CBN The Colorado Supreme Court ruled in favour of long-embattled Christian baker, Jack Phillips of Masterpiece Cakeshop on Tuesday. The state’s high court dismissed the case Masterpiece Cakeshop v Scardina because the attorney who was targeting Phillips did not follow the correct process in suing him, according […]
Other News
China intensifies crackdown, removing Christian symbols
Originally published in Charisma News The Chinese Communist Party has made efforts to exercise control of the churches in China, replacing Christian images with pictures of President Xi Jinping. The US Commission on International Religious Freedom released a report on the matter, saying the Chinese government has “implemented the coercive ‘sinicisation of […]
Pastor Ray McCauley, 75, ‘gone to be with the Lord’
Pastor Ray has gone to be with the Lord peacefully at his home, surrounded by his family and loved ones”, his son and successor as senior pastor of Rhema Bible Church, Joshua McCauley, said in a statement released last night on behalf of the McCauley family. The popular Charismatic preacher […]
South African Christians and Jews remember October 7 massacre
South Africa was among the nations of the world that held events on Monday to commemorate the first anniversary of the October 7 massacre in Israel, where Hamas invaders killed 1 200 Israelis and took about 250 hostages. Christian and Jewish leaders from around South Africa marked the anniversary by […]
Prayer breakfast on October 7 for healing of SA-Israel relations
An inaugural South Africa — Israel Prayer Breakfast to pray for the healing and restoration of SA’s relationship with Israel will take place in Pretoria on Monday October 7. The prayer initiative is being launced 50 years after the Yom Kippur War which started on October 6 1973 and on […]
One year after October 7: Israel rising from ashes to renewed hope
By David Parsons, ICEJ Senior Vice President and Spokesman Over recent decades, official visitors to Israel felt obliged to make a pilgrimage to Sderot, near Gaza, to view the rusting heaps of Hamas rockets on display behind the town’s police station. Even presidential candidate Barack Obama stood there in 2008, […]
Time2Rise speakers urge SA Church to take bold stand against agenda of devil
“Come out of your tents”, “Come out of your comfort zone”, “Take your seat at the table.” Speaker after speaker at a national Time2Rise gathering at the weekend called for a “remnant” from the Church to rise up and take a bold and forceful stand for God’s agenda for South […]
Bridge-building pastor catches up with man who introduced him to politics
A bridge-building pastor-politician met up at the weekend with a businessman-turned Kingdom pioneer who introduced him to politics in 2004. Pastor John Mathuhle, 43, the president of #Hope4SA, and Hennie Muller, 69, the owner and developer of Camp Unity near Bloemfontein, met at a national Time2Rise gathering at Camp Unity […]
Anglican Church of Southern Africa rejects same-sex prayers
Originally published in Church Times THE provincial synod of the Anglican Church of Southern Africa has rejected two connected proposals: to commend prayers of blessing for same-sex couples, and to allow priests to use these in their churches. In his opening synodical address last week, the Archbishop of Cape Town, the Most Revd […]
Focus on the Family: Building a strong marriage
FOCUS ON THE FAMILY Q: Sometimes I feel that my wife and I spend so much time in our roles as mom and dad that we neglect our own relationship. Do we just need to recognise that our needs as a couple have to be put on hold until our […]