Other News

Violent Fulani attacks continue to threaten Nigeria’s stability

Originally published in Persecution.Org Fulani militants continued to carry out violent attacks throughout Nigeria’s Middle Belt region in March. The brutal attacks perpetrated by these hardline Islamic militants persistently spark fear among Christians living in the Middle Belt, as death tolls continue to rise. This undeclared war has turned Muslims […]

‘Breakthrough’: Movie review

Breakthrough, a new Christian movie on the circuit, is a testimony to what God does when we stand firm on His Word. It tells the story of a mother’s deep love her son and how, when tragedy struck, she stood firm on God’s promise that He had a purpose for […]

When religious practitioners and organisations go wrong — Michael Swain

By Michael Swain, executive director of Freedom of Religion South Africa How greater levels of voluntary and self-regulatory accountability can effectively resolve problems It seems that every day there is another article or TV exposure of some so-called pastor or prophet doing something that is either outright criminal or borderline at […]