Passion Conference breaks age barrier in SA

Passion Pretoria on Wednesday night. (Photo: Facebook)

Strobe lights and a passionate Old Testament scripture reading kicked off the conference in Centurion Wednesday night. Chris Tomlin, an American Christian Contemporary Music Artist, performed as the crowd sang along with him in worship.

“I have never worshiped Jesus from a cricket stadium,” Louie Giglio, pastor, speaker and founder of the Passion Movement, acknowledged from the stage. The SuperSport stadium in Centurion was almost full to capacity.  Most of those sitting in stadium seats were over 25, while the 16-25 year olds were given access to a priority area down on the field.

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“It’s going to be an incredible night.  We’re going to sing, we’re going to dance… In case you can’t figure it out, the younger crowd got into the front.” The younger crowd cheered.  “That doesn’t mean we have any issues with the older crowd that is in the back.” He paused to let the older crowd cheer.

“This is our very first time ever that we’ve done a Passion event that is not only the [young] crowd.  We have a passion for the university age; because that is the place we believe that God is going to change the world. When we came to South Africa, we knew that we wanted to invite the whole church.  So for the very first time, mom and dad, grandma and grandpa, brother and sister, and students… everybody is in the house tonight,” Giglio explained.

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Giglio continued to speak about how God’s Word is eternal and how people need to build their lives on His truth. Then when the storms come, they won’t be washed away, but their house will stand forever.

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“The hope of every nation rests upon the people of God.  The hope of our nation, your nation, and every nation, rests with the people. God never looks to the governments or enterprises to save the nation. God knows that He alone is the saviour of all men. God knows that hope resides with the people of God,” Giglio preached.

Another point Giglio addressed was how the Gospel says that our sin, our fallen nature, makes us dead. He said that sin doesn’t make us bad people, sin makes us dead people.  But that God gives us the gift of life through his son, Jesus.

The Passion Conference will be in Durban on Tuesday, October 2 and Cape Town on Saturday, October 6 to continue their ministry to the people of South Africa. Tickets  can be purchased from Computicket for R225 or for 250 at the gate.


One Comment

  1. My son and a group other young believers join the Passion and they’re blown away with excitement. Bless our GOD and thank you for Louis Giglio for doing the wonderful work!!

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