Pastor Sheryl Brady wows PE church

Pastor Jerome Liberty of Victory Ministries Intenrational, PE and his wife, Pastor Eunice, pray with visiting US preacher, Pastor Sheryl Brady.
Pastor Jerome Liberty of Victory Ministries International, PE and his wife, Pastor Eunice, pray with visiting US preacher, Pastor Sheryl Brady.

[notice]Victory Ministries International writer Selwyn Milborrow sent in this report about a recent event at the church.[/notice]

Pastor Sheryl Brady, preacher, recording artist and a daughter from T D Jakes Ministries’ Potter’s House in Dallas, Texas, had the saints at Victory Ministries International, Port Elizabeth on their feet and praising on October 27.

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Brady preached from Luke 13 verse 10 to 12. She had a word of revelation on the woman with the infirmity. She divided the word rightly and from the praises and tears it would be safe to deduce that many were loosed from their burdens and infirmities. Brady said that real fruit takes time to grow and develop. The woman with the infirmity underwent the process for many years. It was only then that she could get a Word from Jesus who declared: “Woman, you are loosed from your infirmity.”

According to Brady you get true sons and then you get placebos. True sons are developed in a process while placebos are fakes. Process means progress and is painful, but what is of importance is that you keep on praising Him. You have to lift up your voice of praise in the heat of a war. God always prepares a feast for you in the midst of your enemies. Brady said that the ones that have to pick you up and bring you to Jesus are the very ones who are calling you to silence. She said that God will deliver us from those things that we’ve learnt to live with. According to her each time we trust God with another layer of our lives we get revelation and discover more of the buried treasure of our true identities.

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Brady revealed that real life victories and breakthroughs don’t come just because you offer an empty hallelujah to Jesus, but because in your hallelujah there is something that is called equity. Equity is what builds up and it’s like when you own property; the more you pay on your property the more equity you build up. Real praise is a process that increases in value over time.

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Preachers are hostage negotiators and thus they need to do their job correctly. Pastor Brady had a Word for VMI’s Pastor Jerome Liberty and prayed over him and his wife, Pastor Eunice Liberty. Pastor Jerome prophesied over a visibly emotional Brady.

Brady concluded her message by saying she was in awe of the house and on her Twitter page remarked that: “Victory Ministries International will forever be on the radar of my heart. PE. rocks! I’m honoured.”

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  1. Wow! I was there that Sunday morning and I was blessed. Her message was so inspiring and challenging. She’s gone through the fires of life and brought a very powerful message. She’s paid the price for the anointing. What an amazing and anointed Woman of God.

  2. I was blessed on that day,I thank God 4 her…an ohhhh she’s a great singer,she said “you need 2 go 2 the elavation of pain in order to see whts laying ahead”jst like that woman in Luke 13…because the Glory God will shine upon you!!

  3. Amen! What a blessed day it was indeed. I believe everyone walked away changed in way after that service, I know I did. What a powerful woman! Thank you God for that message.

  4. Reach for the Top; the bottom is overcrowded!!!

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