Paul Manwaring shares vision of movement which can answer prayers of Jesus

Dot Mitchell reports on a recent message to Christian leaders in Johannesburg by Global Legacy’s Paul Manwaring. Manwaring, who shared the platform with Bethel Church’s Bill Johnson at last year’s Kingdom Come SA conference has set the scene for the 2018 Kingdom Come SA from April 11 to 13 where Johnson will return with his son Eric to pick up on a prophetic call he made last year to raise spiritual fathers in SA to create a legacy for the next generation.
Paul Manwaring at Breakthrulife Church,

Paul Manwaring of Global Legacy, Bethel’s worldwide relationship network, who is now based in Europe, jokes that South Africa is still included in his mandate – because it’s the southern tip of Europe! He loves coming back to this country!

Speaking to a group of leaders in Johannesburg on Tuesday he spoke of his passion to establish a movement of apostolic families across the globe who can answer three of Jesus’ prayers.
· “Thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.”
· “Ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest field.”
· John 17 – Jesus’ cry for unity in the church.

Manwaring believes that John 17 is the most significant prayer for the Church right now as the coming revival will be based on truth. The truth that unites us and not the theology that divides us. Manwaring said, “We will not compromise the truth but will ensure that the truth gets to the people who need it most.”

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Speaking of the values that will be at the heart of this movement, he spoke of strong relationships that transcend agreement and of developing people who are able to think for themselves so that they can “eat the meat and spit out the bones” in situations, rather than take offence when we disagree!

“So much of it”, said Paul, “is about embracing mystery and holding truth in tension. What do you do when your experience doesn’t match your beliefs? Do you bring your theology down to the level of your experience? None of us can claim perfect theology. Only Jesus is perfect theology and we pursue Him and He is the way to the Father! ”

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“Jesus had a Judas but he also raised 11 world-changers. We in the Church so fear Judas that we fail to risk and empower the world-changers! The Bible has many messy endings and it’s the same with some of God’s generals. But we can still tap into the good — the keys may be tarnished and rusty but they may still open doors for us. Eat the meat and spit out the bones!”

As a brilliant strategist, Manwaring, who worked at Bethel Church in Redding, California for 15 years’ admits that at the end of the day we can strategise, plan and programme for revival but if God doesn’t enter into it there is no point! Another tip for leaders was to apply non-negotiable principles into conflict situations which then protects both relationships and culture. When it comes to  succession: if you’re planning to replace yourself as a leader, his advice is don’t! Rather reproduce your successes or your strengths!

The full message is available from
Register for Kingdom Come SA 2018 with Bill Johnson and Eric Johnson from April 11 to 13 in Johannesburg

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