PE man shares inspiring Race Of Faith journey in book

PE author Brink Eksteen and his wife and ministry partner Tania at the launch of his first book, Race Of Faith.

How can you complete one of the toughest extreme sports events in the world with just six months preparation? How can you do that with a team of unfit, overweight individuals?

Only when God is in it with you and you experience the reality of the promise of Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”.

Port Elizabeth family man, Brink Eksteen, has written an inspirational book, “The Race Of Faith” (a title which God gave to his wife, Tania, in a dream, along with the chapter headings for the book), which tells the story of how he and seven out-of-shape men completed the 2010 Iron Man in Port Elizabeth after training for only 6 months.  Their successful completion of the 3.8 km swim, 180 km cycle and 42.2 km run defies expert opinion of what is doable.

In the book, which was launched in PE today, Brink tells how following his retrenchment in mid 2009 God led him to tackle the 2010 Iron Man adventure and to start the Mansgenoeg Wellness Ministry that challenges and equips people to get fit and look after their bodies (remembering the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit).

In 2011 Brink, despite breaking a wrist two months before the Iron Man, completed the event again, together with a team of 11 men and two women. Another goal of the ministry is to be a bold, public witness to Jesus Christ. The Mansgenoeg Wellness Ministry team members complete the Iron Man wearing  t-shirts emblazoned with a big red cross and the ministry motto — the words of Phil 4:13. In an interview yesterday Brink said that during their grueling triathlon events the team members have had great opportunities to share their testimonies with other competitors and to encourage struggling athletes to push beyond defeat and despair.

He said he and Tania were committed to the Mansgenoeg Wellness Ministry for life. He has recruited 50 volunteers to start training for the 2012 Iron Man. He already has plans to write a second book called Journey Of Adventure about his next extreme adventure venture.

The Race Of Faith can be ordered from the Race Of Faith website.

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