PE prayer warriors target spirit of death at Van Stadens Bridge

Van Stadens Bridge west of Port Elizabeth.

A call has gone out for 300 shofar blowers, 300 tambourine players, 300 flag bearers and 300 intercessors to participate in a prayer warfare campaign to oppose suicide jumps off Van Stadens Bridge near Port Elizabeth where 84 people have jumped to their death since 1971.

The event, which has the backing of a number of PE church leaders, will take place after sunrise on Saturday November 24, said Pastor Geert Jansingh of Cedar Branch Church in an interview. He called on prospective participants to attend a planning meeting at Crossroads Church in Boschoff Street, Westering at 9.30am on Tuesday, October 23.

In a letter to city pastors he says that three months ago God convicted a group of Christians to pray for ideas on how to come up against the “spirit of death” associated with the bridge since its inception. The first person jumped to his death only 12 days after the bridge was opened and in the latest incident a 28 year old man jumped to his death on October 9, 2012.

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He writes that it is known that satanists conduct rituals near the bridge.

“We believe that a spiritual intervention needs to take place at the bridge as there is clearly a ‘spiritual force’ that draws and encourages people to jump to their deaths. It is our responsibility, as Christians, to take authority and oppose these evil forces and chase them from this place. (James 4:7: Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”

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He says all participants will be bussed to the bridge as authorities do not want a lot of cars to be parked in the area.

“We will take approximately 30 minutes to position everyone on the bridge, in one of the outgoing lanes. Thereafter we will have 30 minutes of flag waving, the blowing of warfare shofars, praying out loud and tambourine playing to take the authority and presence away from the demons and return the presence of God. We will have tambourines and flag demonstrations and singing of a victory song to end the event,” he says.

More information about the event can be obtained by emailing:


  1. Just confirm this date 24 Nov instant. This will be great for me and my friends to be part in this.

  2. I would like to become involved in the organizing of the event. Can any one assist with contact detail please?

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