PE school testifies to power of prayer days for matrics

David Livingstone Senior Secondary School principal, Dr Desmond Grove and Schauderville church leader, Rev Theo Williams have seen positive change in the school through prayer days

[notice]NMB Metro Prayer Day organisers encouraged by testimony of local school[/notice]

A Port Elizabeth school’s matric pass rate improved from 57% to 73% after its Grade 12 learners participated in a community prayer day event in 2008.

The school also enjoyed valuable educational and business spinoffs arising from the prayer event, said Dr Desmond Grove, principal of David Livingstone Higher Secondary School in Schauderville.

Rev Theo Williams, of the Bethesda Congregatinal Church is Schauderville told organisers of the NMB Metro Prayer Day to be held at Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium on October 22, that the community had seen the power of united prayer in 2008 and 2009 when prayer days for matrics were staged in his church hall. The events were attended by Grade 12 learners from David Livingstone Secondary School, Paterson High School and St James School; local clergy and members of the community. The October 22 prayer event at the stadium will focus on education — including 2011 matrics — as well as crime, reconciliation and thanksgiving for rain.

Grove said prayer day spinoffs at his school included the introduction of matric camps where learners were motivated and spiritually fed, and an adopt-a-matric initiative in which each matric learner was partnered with a mentor. Private businesses in the metro and the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University had recognised progress in the school and had responded with sponsorships.

Grove said his school would support the NMB Metro Prayer Day in October. “We are hoping for a 65% pass rate this year” he said.

Rev Williams said the prayer days in Schauderville ” have helped build relationships between the clergy, the community and the learners.’

Learners from David Livingstone Senior Secondary School enjoying their break time

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  1. Praise God for the power of prayer. Lets pray that more and more schools will adopt this strategy. May the Christian pupils attending our schools rise to the occasion.

  2. Naledi Mbolekwa

    Wow I am also a product of that school and very happy to see that God is doing great things at DLSSS.

  3. It is such a pity i do not see this coming form my former school.Come now ex-Pats lets start praying for our school to see the same changes taking place.

  4. Sorry Paterson i only see now you were part of the prayer group.

  5. So proud of the what the school have achieved over the years…I myslf am a product of the school…