Learners from seven Port Elizabeth schools, together with teachers and intercessors held a prayer walk at Westering Primary School on Friday (November 9).
The prayer event on a school sports field was the fourth in a prayer move which began in June at Walmer West Primary, followed by prayer walks at Laerskool Verkenner and Willow Academy.
“The testimonies that I received back after the events have been amazing. God has been true to His Word and poured out an abundant blessing on these schools,” said JOT teacher Paul Clough who believes the prayer move will spread to all schools in the city and usher in revival.
“Walmer West can testify to the financial breakthrough that they received. At the Verkenner prayer walk, we had students prophesying what God had to say about the schools in Port Elizabeth- this is scripture in action (Joel 2:28). At Willow Academy it was Spiritual Warfare and God gave us the victory! Students have even been begging their teachers for another Prayer Walk because they have understood the importance of prayer and they want to exercise their faith,” he said.

He said that before Friday’s prayer walk at Westering there was an expectation that there would be signs and wonders.
“Just before the walk, God confirmed this through a brother with scripture: 1Cor2:1-5 ….’so that faith would not be based on human wisdom but on the power of God.’
“There was a buzz running through this school weeks before the time, with children asking if they could bring the sick. They arranged to bring photographs or items of clothing of those who were too sick to attend. The children were of one mind- that God was going to show Himself in an amazing way on this day- there was an expectation for miracles!,” said Clough.
Good turnout
He continued: “The big day finally arrived and even though most schools were hectically busy with exams, prizegivings etc., there was a good turnout. Schools represented were Kabega Primary, Rowallan Park Primary, Verkenner Laerskool, Walmer West Primary, Victoria Park High, Blessing Christian Academy and of course Westering Primary themselves. The Mothers Who Care groups and numerous intercessors from around Port Elizabeth were also present.
“Because of the large number of pupils, we split into small groups with a leader taking charge of each group. The walk was done around their sport fields where we prayed for the schools of Port Elizabeth, the Education Department, teachers, exams, our matrics, the youth of Port Elizabeth and their families.
“The Connect Group of Blessing Academy treated us all with two song items at the end of the walk and the presence of God was felt by many, hands were lifted high in worship as the Holy Spirit moved amongst us.

“Just after the song items Pastor Ronnie Samson prayed for the sick. Children came forward with their photographs and laid hands on their loved ones as Pastor Ronnie prayed. God promised that where there is unity, He will command His blessing and these children stood united in their faith that day- arms around each other, trusting Jesus for a miracle.
“Even when the Prayer Walk was over, children stood around basking in the presence of God. At this point three boys approached me to tell me that they were on the wrong road in their lives and would I not please pray for them. The biggest miracle of all happened then: they repented of their sins and accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Their lives will never be the same again- they ‘experienced’ God on this day. God was true to His word………’so that faith would not be based on human wisdom but on the power of God.’
Faith of children
“What has stuck in my mind the most about this day is the faith of these children — it really tugged at my heart strings.The students stood by each other, united by the love of God, and believed in a miracle for their loved ones. God is busy raising up an army in this generation that will change the face of this nation.”
Clough said schools are already contacting him to arrange for prayer walks next year. Verkenner has booked January and Kabega Primary, Altona and Victoria High are checking out their dates. The goal was to hold school prayer walks every month in 2013. Schools wishing to be part of the prayer action next year can call him at 073 478 9281.