Petition asks Pope Francis to abandon changes to English ‘Our Father’

Pope Francis at 2016 Rome consistory when “progressive” archbishops Cupich, Joseph Tobin and Farrell were made cardinals (PHOTO: Steve Jalsevac/LifeSite).

Originally published in LifeSiteNews

In conjunction with LifeSiteNews, the Ruth Institute is promoting an online petition asking Pope Francis not to change the English words of the “Our Father”.

The Pontiff has approved changing the Italian translation. There are reports that with little input from Bible scholars — he plans to make the same changes in the English version — from “Lead us not into temptation” to “Do not abandon us to temptation.”

The petition (posted on Life Petitions) reads in part: We’ve learned the words of our prayers from our mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers, our priests, nuns and brothers. Please don’t break this precious connection with these cherished people, with our tradition and our past. Please don’t replace these beloved words.

The petition notes that “Jesus gave us these words,” as recorded by Matthew and Luke in Greek, and in Latin by St. Jerome and faithfully translated into English by “our distant ancestors.”

Ruth Institute President Dr Jennifer Roback Morse, PhD said that while the Institute usually deals with political and social issues: “This petition is important because faith is the foundation of our lives. It permeates everything, including the Ruth Institute’s work for the family.”

Dr Morse continued: “This petition is respectful of Pope Francis and his office. We wish to convey to him that the faithful of the English-speaking world are attached to the words of the Lord’s Prayer. The proposed change will create unnecessary confusion and division in an already confused and divided church.”

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The Ruth Institute is a global non-profit organisation equipping Christians to defend the family in the public arena and build a civilisation of love.

One Comment

  1. The pope is a mere mortal. He must not succumb to the temptation of thinking that he is a diety. Who gives him the authority to change the wording of The Lord’s Prayer, a centuries old prayer given to us by Jesus Christ himself. Well done to the Ruth Institute for challenging him.